SITA’S Datalink Services Aim to Improve Airspace Efficiency in Serbia and Montenegro

by | Mar 8, 2023 | Avionics, Connectivity

Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services, SMATSA LLC, has selected SITA as its primary datalink service provider to comply with a key European Union (EU) mandate that will modernize its air traffic control communications. 

SITA is only one of two providers that can provide compliant datalink services in the EU. Uniquely, SITAcan also offer its services via the new pan-European network service (NewPENS), an upgraded telecommunications network used by many Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) today. SITA is the primary provider of datalink services to 24 EU Member States and a shared provider for a further EU country. 

Under the Single European Sky regulatory framework, ANSPs in the EU must deploy Controller–Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC) on a modern Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN). SITA was an active participant in the strategic initiatives supporting this move to the CPDLC mandate in Europe. CPDLC is a more reliable digital-based form of communication to complement conventional voice communications. 

SITA’s ATN, combined with its multi-frequency VHF Digital Link Mode 2 (VDLm2) solution, will enable SMATSA to deploy CPDLC for all routine air traffic control communications, such as clearances, in the upper airspace. The shift to more text-based messages will help the ANSP increase the efficiency, capacity, and performance of air traffic management as air traffic demand grows. 

The digital capability allows for messages to be sent concurrently, and a pre-defined message featurefor receiving/requesting clearances and reporting information. It will enable SMATSA’s air traffic controllers to handle multiple requests and reduce errors caused by misunderstandings between pilots and controllers with voice communications. With improved, increased, and near real-time communication, controllers will have more time to identify aircraft conflicts and offer more optimal routings for aircraft.

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