Orbital Micro Systems Competitively Selected for Elite U.S. Defense Exportability Features Program

by | Jan 25, 2022 | Innovation

OrbitalMicro Systems (OMS) recently that its Global Earth Monitoring System (GEMS), WeatherRecord, WeatherLock, and International Center for Earth Data (ICED) capabilities have been competitively selected across the entire Department of Defense (DoD) after nomination by the U.S. Space Force to the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Defense Exportability Features (DEF) program. 

The DEF program is designed to develop and incorporate technology protection features into designated systems during their research and development phases with the goals of enhancing coalition interoperability, decreasing costs to the DoD and partner nations, and improving the international competitiveness of U.S. defense systems. 

Through this initiative, OMS, a leader in advanced instrumentation for earth observation, will perform market research for the DoD regarding the potential to export its technology portfolio to countries who have signed defense cooperation treaties or agreements with the United States, including the Combined Maritime Forces, Organization of American States, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Five Eyes, Five Power Defense Arrangement, ANZUS treaty, Compact of Free Association, U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership, Japanese Security Alliance, South Korea Mutual Defense Agreement, India Major Defense Partner, and Rio treaty. In addition, OMS will outline a plan to incorporate the necessary program protection and security features to enable future export of its capabilities. 

In its nomination for the DEF program, the Space Force noted that the OMS technology portfolio has a high degree of potential for export to international government customers who lack in-country Meteorological Satellite (MetSat) and Meteorological Data (MetData) capabilities.

“OMS is truly humbled to be selected for the highly competitive DEF program and is working quickly to engage with 20 U.S. government stakeholder organizations to coordinate this complex effort, including the Space Force, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),” said Michael Hurowitz, OMS chief executive officer. “Our unique passive microwave satellites (GEMS), data platform (ICED), WeatherRecord nowcasting, and WeatherLock forecasting systems enable continuous monitoring of and rapid access to environmental data to inform mission critical decisions. Our suite of technologies can cost-effectively deliver MetSat and MetData capabilities to countries without their own space-based weather observation infrastructure.”

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