Can A New Quality Control Part Condition Documentation Application and Part Condition Reporting System Start A Birth to BER Part Trace Revolution Using Copyright Licensing?

by | Sep 12, 2023 | Innovation, MRO IT

For years the aviation industry has struggled with aircraft and engine USM, life limited and flight critical part condition documentation, trace, and quality control.

How can an industry with so much technology flying in today’s aircraft still use carbon paper and sign in sheets at hub locations and in heavy maintenance facilities when it comes to document part conditions and repairs. The pandemic has caused older, more experienced Maintenance Engineers to retire and the airline boom after the pandemics has left a void and shortage in talent with the airlines recruiting at record rates offering gate and baggage handlers a chance to learn to become ME’s. On the other hand, these new young recruits are smart phone and tablet savoy and willing to use new apps in avaition that improve Quality Control and part trace programs for safety and education.

When aircraft are parted out or a part fails on a current flying aircraft it will need testing, repair, overhaul, or replacement. Today airlines, MRO’s and owner operators and airlines have several choices to replace a failed part. Buy a new one (the most expensive). Repair the failed or exhausted part.

For Repairs, the documentation process today is a paper and then digital scan or type-based trace document that is filled out by the service technician on a smart phone or tablet.

The document contains the part number and or a parts Serial Number, the aircraft it was removed from and other related information. Under a new Patented and patent pending methodology (Standardization) a new mobile app renames the picture taken of a part with the part number, a delineator, serial number, a delineator and a UID or UTN number (Universal ID or Universal Tracking Number or asset tag number) used in the airlines or MRO’s ERP system (data linkage).

Using AI (artificial intelligence) and Data Blockchain, the old data files (some records dating back over 100 years depending on the age of the repair facility) will renamed following the Quality Control Application methodology used in mobile device. old files bases on part number, Serial number and UID/UTN data provided by the ERP and the old data is copies to the Cloud organized for the Airline to run all types of reports, such as part failure rates, service turnarounds, logistics, employee part touch activity, asset trace and protections. Shipping part condition protection, sub part and part accessory tracing (asset Protection).

Predictive maintenance and sub part performance of complex systems such as engines (100% of Parts and cables are serialized) Landing gears, APU’s and avionics and other life limited and flight critical parts.


The existing state of universal part condition documentation and trace history faces challenges such as disconnected creation and storage, non-standardized data handling, inefficient storage methods, fragmented data, reluctance to share information, and difficulties in establishing airworthiness. Overcoming these challenges is crucial for the aviation industry to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, improve safety, and establish a standardized and comprehensive system for part condition documentation.

A NEW possible solution

Quantum Marketing Group has developed a patented universal global integrated documentation system to address part documentation and trace history challenges. Our solution includes enhanced documentation capture, photo/video/voice recording standardization, a cloud-based filing and tracking platform, universal digital capture with routing and identification, and digital integration across the aviation industry. Implementing this system can improve efficiency, accuracy, and reliability in part documentation. Additionally, we can leverage blockchain technology for enhanced security and data visibility. The invention also includes a methodology to eliminate data files attached to emails, saving storage and maintenance costs. Cross-referencing and integration with FAA and other databases enable seamless compliance and matching of relevant documents. The system operates through the QCcapture mobile app, utilizing AI, blockchain tracking, cloud storage, and generating reports through the Partsfax service. Connecting to the Global LDEX Network allows for licensing old data, AI reports on a pooled database, comparative analysis, yield improvement, failure rate reduction, and turnaround time optimization. This connection provides new income streams, insights, and opportunities for revenue generation.

Proposed new QC Patented and Patent Pending methodologies.

  • Enhanced data management: Adds automatic push data to RedHat Cloud storage, eliminating the need for manual pull data documentation on LANs, which can be costly and disconnected.
  • Improved documentation capabilities: Adds push video and voice recording documentation capabilities, streamlining the process and reducing reliance on manual methods.
  • Streamlined part documentation processes: Improves part out and line maintenance part documentation processes, including high-resolution photos and optional video documentation, providing comprehensive records.
  • Blockchain trace data integration: Incorporates blockchain trace data via the mobile app, allowing for enhanced traceability and transparency in aircraft part valuations.
  • Enhanced safety and compliance: Improves safety and compliance by enabling high-resolution photos for review and proactive compliance through new photo, video, and voice recording standards.
  • Accountability for shipping damages: Ability to identify and track shipping damages of parts between airlines and repair vendors, ensuring condition accountability.
  • Advanced QC information: Provides detailed QC information on part conditions and necessary parts for repairs, utilizing descriptions, photos, and voice capture, setting new industry standards.
  • Shortened repair turnaround times: Allows for pre-repair mobile capture of part condition, enabling pre-ordering and scheduled repairs, reducing turnaround times.
  • Standardization of data capture: Introduces new data standardization for photo, video, and voice capture throughout the life of a part or part exchange, ensuring consistency and compatibility.
  • Proactive repair and overhaul process: Facilitates proactive repair and overhaul by capturing failure or damage descriptions via the application, expediting the repair process.
  • The increased asset value of USM: Well-documented parts with photo, video, and voice capture files hold increased asset value compared to undocumented parts.
  • Documentation of missing parts and accessories: Enables pre-repair documentation of missing parts and accessories through pictures, ensuring comprehensive records.
  • Seamless integration and data sharing: Integrates into existing identification and tracking systems of airlines, MROs, and asset owners, enabling seamless data sharing.
  • Improved traceability of BER parts: Enhances traceability of failed or unrepairable parts, facilitating better documentation and management.
  • Post-repair documentation and marketing: Documents the condition of the part post-repair and shipment, offering valuable data for marketing purposes.
  • Open system design for data sharing: Supports data sharing with CRP and MRO applications for AI through an open system design.
  • Integration with FAA, EASA, CAAC, ARSA, ASA: Can be integrated with various aviation regulatory bodies, ensuring compliance with industry standards.
  • Universal mobile applications: Runs on a wide range of mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, Android, Windows, and other operating systems with camera, video, and voice recording capabilities.
  • Standard file formats and high-resolution image capture: Creates standards-based file formats such as JPEG, WAV, Q file, and MOV, and supports high-resolution image capture for improved data quality.
  • Part tracking across different aircraft: Enables tracking of a part from off-wing to back on-wing, even with exchanges on different airline aircraft, ensuring global tracking capability.
  • Improved part safety and repair compliance: Enhances part safety through FAA monitoring and traceability, contributing to improved repair compliance and AI integration.
  • Future-ready with advanced technology: Can leverage emerging technologies like 3D cameras, infrared, and other advancements in image, video, and sound technology.
  • Growth potential with high-quality data: Future-proof system that supports the communication of large files, such as 4K and 8K pictures and videos, efficiently through G5 mobile networks.
  • Problem Worth Solving
  • The existing state of universal part condition documentation and trace history, from birth to beyond economic repair (BER), faces several significant challenges. These challenges can be summarized as follows:
  • Disconnected Documentation Creation and Storage: Part documentation is currently created and stored on disconnected computer networks and company servers. These systems lack integration and do not facilitate seamless data exchange between companies and government agencies. As a result, there is a lack of standardized processes for secure documentation data capture, review, exchange, access sharing, and collaboration.
  • Non-Standardized Secure Data Handling: The current lack of standardization hampers the secure handling of documentation data. The absence of universal routing, tracking, and collaboration mechanisms further compounds this issue. This lack of standardization makes it difficult to establish a consistent and reliable workflow for documenting and managing part condition information.
  • Inefficient Storage and Distribution Methods: The storage and distribution of part documentation files and images present challenges. Large quantities of storage space are consumed by these files, and when multiple copies of images are emailed or stored in disconnected outsourced file storage systems, duplication occurs, further exacerbating the problem.
  • Fragmented and Isolated Data: Aircraft consists of numerous separable parts, each with its own unique condition and history. Currently, maintenance companies rely heavily on manual record-keeping, which often involves stacks of printed PDFs. Even when data is digitized, it remains fragmented and isolated across multiple parties and systems, hindering efficient information sharing and collaboration.
  • Reluctance to Share Information: Suppliers, vendors, and customers within the same manufacturing ecosystem often hesitate to share information due to competitive concerns. This reluctance adds another layer of complexity to the process of obtaining comprehensive and accurate part condition data.
  • Challenges in Establishing Airworthiness: In situations where provenance is lacking or an invoice is missing, establishing the airworthiness of a part requires extensive investigation, testing, and recertification. This process is time-consuming and costly, further underscoring the need for a more efficient and streamlined approach to part condition documentation.
  • Addressing these challenges is crucial for the aviation industry to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, improve safety, and establish a standardized and comprehensive universal part condition documentation and trace history system.

A Solution

To address the existing challenges in part documentation and trace history, we propose the development of a universal global integrated documentation system with the option of companies to use the technology internally and have an option to connect to a global pooled database named LDEX (Linke Data Exchange) to rum PartsFax reports comparing their internal data to industry data while protect the airline, MRO and OEM using random names such as Airline “A” or MRO “C” and repair shop “J” in the reports (protecting confidentiality). This system aims to improve the quality and control of support documentation for aircraft and engine parts. The key elements of our solution are as follows:

  • Enhanced Documentation Capture: We plan to improve the process of trace documentation by leveraging advancements in photo, video, and voice recording technologies. Mobile devices such as cell phones, tablets, and PDAs will serve as mobile scanners and copiers. With improvements in pixel density, DPI and the introduction of technologies like 4K and the upcoming 8K, the quality of photos, videos, and document copies will continually improve.
  • Standardization of Photo, Video, and Voice Recording: Currently, part photos taken for documentation purposes vary in pixel, format, and file size. Additionally, file names assigned by devices can be random, leading to potential file duplication. Our invention aims to automate and standardize the use of photo, video, and digital voice recording for documenting part conditions. It ensures that each file is properly named and related to the work order or repair process. This standardized approach streamlines the documentation process and facilitates efficient tracking and traceability.
  • Cloud-Based Solution for Filing and Tracking: Our solution envisions a cloud-based platform that offers universal standardized filing and tracking capabilities with robust authentication and security measures. This platform will enable the aviation industry to securely share information, tracing it back to specific part numbers and serial numbers. It provides a single, centralized solution for all stakeholders, improving efficiency and accountability.
  • Universal Digital Capture with Routing and Identification: Our invention automates the capture and naming process of photos, videos, and voice recordings by incorporating data entry methods before and during the capture. This includes embedding routing data, universal identification information, and tracking details related to the specific part being captured. The methodology ensures new levels of tracking, part condition accountability, and security in the part out and repair process.
  • Digital Integration across the Aviation Industry: Our solution extends beyond individual repair processes and aims to integrate digital photo, video, and voice recording capabilities into field offices, parts depots, and other relevant areas. It eliminates the reliance on paper trace documents and enables seamless digital documentation throughout the entire lifecycle of aircraft parts, including their repair, overhaul, and tracking processes.

The proposed QCcapture and PartsFax applications offer distinct advantages compared to the existing practices in the industry. By incorporating a predefined image and voice capture capability, the invention introduces a higher level of protection and accountability for all parties involved in the removal, shipping, and parts repair process. Moreover, it enhances inspection and compliance capabilities to meet federal documentation standards and practices within the aviation industry.

Blockchain’s decentralized, immutable, and consensus-based nature makes it a perfect fit for our invention. At the most basic level, every blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions that take place on a peer-to-peer network with the ability to control visibility – who has permission to see which data. Blockchain offers the capacity to create a digital birth certificate for every part that is updated each time the part moves through the supply chain or is installed on a plane. The part’s status also gets updated every time the plane is serviced or inspected by a technician. That part’s digital record could include the aircraft’s tail number and configuration, the part’s location in the plane, its manufacturer, the identity of each technician who has touched the part, and the location where the service was performed. These digital records can be aggregated to provide a real-time snapshot of each parts condition from cradle to grave, decades later. Blockchain can also be used to ensure that participants have access only to the information they’re entitled to. blockchain could simultaneously improve participants visibility into their own businesses while safeguarding their data from competitors.

Integrating blockchain into the documentation and tracking methodologies of the present invention further enhances the value of the searchable parts history report disclosed herein.

An important feature of the methodology by design embodied in the present invention will be the ability to eliminate data files related to part numbered and serialized parts being attached to emails for ecommerce or other reason. When a data file currently is attached it is also archived in the email server data base and once delivered to the recipient also archived on in the email server of the other company or individual, wasting memory. The current environment is to use the stored silo libraries linked to the master database in the cloud and share the data files via a link for viewing or downloading upon request. The part history reports also can be shared or linked to any email. Again, the Part History have links in them to the master database eliminating the need to move files as attachments in email which also results in blockage from email virus protection programs and company firewalls and content license limits. This methodology will save companies billions of bytes a year in storage and file maintenance costs.

The application of cross-referencing methodologies allows for seamless integration with FAA and other relevant databases. This integration facilitates the matching of Air Worthiness Directives (AWD), ADs (Airworthiness Directives), and other compliance documents pertaining to the specific part undergoing repair or overhaul. It also enables the inclusion of OEM recalls and part notifications, ensuring comprehensive compliance measures.

Outlined below are the key capture points facilitated by the applications:

  • Capture after removal from the aircraft: The invention enables the capture of photos and potentially voice recordings immediately following the removal of the part from the aircraft. This documentation serves as a vital reference point for the condition assessment and subsequent repair process.
  • Photo capture upon receipt before repair is complete and part shipped: Prior to completing the repair process and shipping the part, the invention allows for capturing photos. These photos provide evidence of the part’s condition after repair and serve as a reference for quality control purposes.
  • Photo of not repairable part: In cases where the part is deemed unrepairable, the invention enables the capture of photos documenting its condition. This documentation is essential for establishing the part’s status and determining appropriate next steps, such as disposal or replacement.
  • Photo of completed repair or overhaul: Upon completion of the repair or overhaul process, the invention facilitates capturing photos of the part. These photos serve as evidence of the completed work and ensure transparency in the repair process.

By implementing this universal global integrated documentation system, we can significantly enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and reliability of part documentation and trace history in the aviation industry. This solution will establish standardized practices, compliance, and architecture for partners worldwide, paving the way for improved collaboration and information sharing.

How does it work?

Stage 1:

During the initial stage of implementation, the following steps outline how QCcapture operates and integrates with the existing ERP system for internal use:

  • Capture App: QCcapture is a newly developed mobile application that allows users to capture the physical condition of aircraft parts using the camera feature on their mobile devices. This can be done through photo, video, or voice recording, and the captured information is linked to the corresponding part number, serial number, or asset tag number.
  • Engine Part Condition Documentation: The app enables the documentation of the condition of engine parts throughout their handling process, including pre- and post-shipping conditions. This ensures comprehensive tracking and traceability.
  • Plug and Play Blockchain Tracking: A blockchain tracking system is integrated into the mobile app, creating a unique blockchain identification for each captured file. This adds an extra layer of security and traceability to the documentation process.
  • Employee Accountability: The mobile app records date, location, and time stamps on all data files, ensuring accountability and providing a clear audit trail.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: The system incorporates AI capabilities specifically designed for engines and Usable Serviceable Material (USM) at a significantly reduced cost compared to developing a custom AI solution. Ongoing support and updates for the AI component are provided by IBM.
  • Cloud Storage Backup: The captured data is backed up in a secure cloud storage environment, utilizing RedHat technologies. This redundancy ensures data protection and availability, mitigating the risk of potential ransomware attacks from the dark web.
  • Internal Program Execution: Initially, the program is intended for internal use. It allows for running AI reports on specific parts to track usage rates, identifies performance differences among different vendors’ parts, and determine parts that can exceed the manufacturer’s recommended usage rates for improved yields. AI reports can also compare engine parts’ performance based on their model numbers.
  • Asset Protection and Traceability: QCcapture provides checks and balances for asset protection against damage or loss caused by third parties or employees. It enables data traceability for accountability, particularly in AOG (Aircraft on Ground) incidents.
  • Time Management: The system facilitates efficient time management by tracking the removal, replacement, repair, and overhaul processes. It generates PartsFax reports to provide insights into turnaround time (TAT) and supports material management by offering logistical data and traceability for material handling.
  • Tools Management (Optional): QCcapture can be optionally linked to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) catalog of tools required for part repair, modification, or replacement, streamlining the tool management process.

By following these steps, QCcapture improves the documentation and traceability of aircraft parts within the ERP system, enhancing operational efficiency and asset protection during the initial stage of implementation.

Stage 2

Connect to Global LDEX Network (Data Share), and generate reports through our Partsfax service:

  • In this stage of development, the focus is on connecting to the Global LDEX Network and leveraging the data sharing capabilities it offers. This aspect introduces a new income stream for your company through the concept of “Dollars for Data.” The following elaborates on the significance and benefits of this connection:
  • Licensing Old Data: By connecting to the Global LDEX Network, your company can monetize its existing data by licensing it to interested parties. This means that other organizations can access and utilize your company’s historical data, providing you with royalties in return. This represents a novel way to generate additional revenue and maximize the value of your data assets.
  • AI Reports on Global Pooled Database: The integration with the Global LDEX Network enables the execution of AI reports on the same part numbers available in the network’s pooled database. We will generate these reports for you under our service called “Partsfax.” This opens up opportunities for performance comparison, yield analysis, failure rate evaluation, and Turn Around Time (TAT) assessment. By leveraging the collective data from multiple sources, your company gains valuable insights into the performance of specific part numbers, allowing for informed decision-making and optimization of operations.
  • Secure and anonymous Comparative Analysis: With access to a diverse range of data from various contributors within the Global LDEX Network, your company can conduct comparative analyses. This involves benchmarking the performance and characteristics of specific part numbers across different datasets. By identifying patterns, trends, and variations, your company can gain a comprehensive understanding of how these parts perform in different contexts and under various conditions.
  • Yield Improvement and Failure Rate Reduction: By running AI reports on the global pooled database, your company can identify areas for yield improvement and reduce failure rates. Analyzing the performance data of specific part numbers can reveal potential inefficiencies, weak points, or areas that require further attention. Armed with this information, your company can implement targeted improvements, enhance quality control measures, and optimize processes to achieve higher yields and lower failure rates.
  • Turn Around Time Optimization: The data available in the Global LDEX Network allows your company to evaluate Turn Around Times (TAT) for specific part numbers. By comparing TATs across different datasets and analyzing contributing factors, your company can identify bottlenecks, streamline processes, and implement strategies to optimize turnaround times. This leads to improved efficiency, reduced downtime, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

In summary, connecting to the Global LDEX Network unlocks new opportunities for your company to generate revenue through licensing old data like the recording industry does!

 It also enables advanced analysis and comparison of part performance, yields, failure rates and turnaround times through Partsfax. Leveraging the collective power of the network’s data empowers your company to make data-driven decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and drive continuous improvement in the aviation industry.

Who owns the rights to repair data. The owner of the part and any company paying a third part to service that part according to copyright law!

According to, “Companies, organizations, and other people besides the work’s creator can also be copyright owners. Copyright law allows ownership through “works made for hire,” which establishes that works created by an employee within the scope of employment are owned by the employer.”


•           Adds Pull Photo vs Push photos documentation capabilities.

•           Adds Pull Video documentation capabilities. Adds Pull Voice   

            recording documentation capabilities.

•           Improve Part out and Line Maintenance applications.

•           Improved QC on all parts owned by the airline, MRO or OEM.

•           Improve Safety and Compliance on aircraft parts.

•           Improved compliance – new Photo Video and Voice

            Recording Standard.

•           Ability to identify and track shipping damages of parts

            between the airline and its repair vendors.

•           Advanced QC information on condition of part and needed

            parts for repairs by description and photo/video/voice

            capture currently not available in the industry.

•           Shorten Repair Turn Around Times – See condition of part

             before it arrives at shop and  pre order and schedule


•           Documents the condition of the part into a shop pre repair.

•           NEW standardization of photo/video/voice capture for the     

            life of a part or part exchange (Pixels- file size-compression).

•           Faster repair and overhaul turnaround time (technician can

           describe failure or damage vie the application and this

           information can arrive before the part arrives at the shop

            speeding up the repair process). Proactive vs Reactive


•           Increased asset value of a well-documented part with

            photo/video/voice capture files vs a part without the


•           Identify any connectors or accessories attached or missing

            from the part.

•           Can integrate into airline, MRO and asset owners existing

            Identification and tracking system.

•           It enables failed or unrepairable parts to be better


•           Documents the condition of the part post repair and

            shipment (can be used in marketing).

•           Can be used in block chain documentation support.

•           Can be OEM or third party integrated.

•           Can be FAA, EASA, CAAC,ARSA, ASA integrated.

•           Universal Mobile applications -will run on Iphones-Ipads-

            Android-Windows- or other operating systems or portable

            devices with camera, video, and voice recording capability.

•           Creates Jpeg, Wav, Q file, MOV and other file format


•           Enables high resolution image capture and conversion.

•           Follows a part from off wing to back on wing even with

            exchanges on different airline aircraft. (Global Tracking).

•           New levels of part Safety with Improved and traceable part

            repair compliance

•           Use 3D cameras, infrared or any new and improved camera

            and image/video and sound technology.

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