First DOMMINIO Open Workshop

by | Nov 9, 2021 | Innovation

The Consortium of the DOMMINIO H2020 Project announced the organization of the 1st DOMMINIO Open Workshop to be held virtually on Tuesday, November 30th, 2021, from 10:00 to 14:00 CET.
DOMMINIO is an EU funded collaborative research project focused on the development of an innovative digital methodology to design, manufacture, maintain and pre-certify multifunctional and intelligent airframe parts.

The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness about the project by providing ant opportunity for relevant stakeholders and end-users to delve into the science and technology of DOMMINIO. Panelists representing industrial and academic stakeholders will present the latest advances on the thematics of thermoplastics, additive manufacturing and digital manufacturing. Presentation of the DOMMINIO achievements regarding modeling and simulation, multifunctional aerostructures and additive manufacturing technologies will follow and a round table discussion will close the event providing a forum for exchange of ideas between presenters and audience.

You can find detailed information about the event, the agenda, and registration process at the official webpage of the workshop at their website:

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