CPDLC Coming of Age

CPDLC Coming of Age

Data communications between pilots and air traffic controllers are designed to replace routine voice exchanges and to link an air traffic control agency’s ground automation systems with flight deck avionics to support ATC clearances, instructions, traffic flow management inputs, and flight crew requests. However, as Aimée Turner reports, significant infrastructure issues still need to be resolved if European Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) are ever to fulfill their potential.

Controllers are increasingly able to deliver instructions with a click of a mouse, without the need to use voice frequencies, an advance that is paving the way for an aircraft’s flight management system to receive the complex digital instructions necessary to make trajectory-based operations a reality.

Europe’s data link mandate was first fielded back in 2009, with an applicability date of 2013. But equipage rates both on ground and in the air did not develop as expected, hampered by serious technical issues that severely reduced the availability of data link for ATC use, initially delaying the mandate by five years.

Those initial CPDLC failures led the European Union in 2016 to appoint the SESAR deployment manager to resolve the issues and relaunch the program. It has since managed to help turn around the situation, reporting significant progress in efforts to boost the airline and ground equipage baseline necessary to allow the future vision of a system-wide digital exchange of information between aircraft and ground. Today, it reports that 80% of eligible aircraft are now equipped with the requisite CPDLC avionics, twice as many as in 2018.

One of the technical challenges that continues to weigh on the industry has been the ICAO ATN protocol creating too much overhead for the capacity of the VHF Digital Link Mode 2 (VDL-M2) system, which is used to support data link between aircraft and ground stations. The technology supports Airline Operational Control (AOC) as well as Air Traffic Services (ATS), and the industry believes that it is not a question of if, but when this will become congested and therefore potentially performance-limited, when air traffic volume picks up pace again.

Complex infrastructure issues still need to be resolved if European Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) are ever to fulfill their potential.

Complex infrastructure issues still need to be resolved if European Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) are ever to fulfill their potential.

Complementary technologies, including the terrestrial LDACS (L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System) are being developed, which support data link but are also expected to evolve to support navigation functions and voice communication in the future. Iris satcom is already being tested as a data link-compliant satellite system.

The LDACS system is a valid candidate for the ATC community to use as a replacement for VDL, but it will take several more years for the SESAR Joint Undertaking to prove it capable of replacing VDL and for avionics vendors to develop certified LDACS radios. LDACS is certainly not as advanced as the Inmarsat Iris system, which is already being flight tested and will likely be the first alternative to VDL to be used operationally for CPDLC. (See Inmarsat Flight Trials page 30.)

Europe Develops Future Perspectives on Air/Ground Data Communications

air ground data

The evolution of the air traffic control air/ground data link is inextricably linked to the SESAR vision to bring trajectory-based operations to Europe, according to SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking experts Olivia Nunez and Ruben Flohr, who outlined the status of research on air-ground data communications for Aerospace Tech Review.

By continuously and collaboratively (pilot and ATC) optimizing the 4D-trajectory of a flight against evolving operating circumstances, like weather and traffic, the flight always remains as close as realistically possible to the airline’s requested flight trajectory.

SESAR 3 JU research is focused on the execution phase; the high traffic density of the European airspace, with its many short hauls (less than 2-3 hours), justifies this, as its complexity requires intensive ATC decision-support to keep all trajectories optimized.

“Our solution work aims to build on a reliable bidirectional data connection between flight deck and the ATC systems, the so-called Aeronautical Telecommunications Network-Baseline 2, consisting of the downlink of the flight management system predicted trajectory, called the extended projected profile, and a clearance uplink, via controller-pilot data link communication,” said Flohr.

When the autopilot follows the FMS plan, the EPP describes the optimum trajectory within the constraints known, allowing ATC to accommodate the aircraft’s performance when resolving conflicts or building sequences. This will reduce the need for inefficient early descents, for example.

Regarding CPDLC, the SESAR 3 JU, with its members and partners, is working on new clearances for uplink and auto-load, after pilot acceptance. The first is the enhanced vertical clearance. By knowing the EPP, a vertical clearance is composed to avoid intermediate level-offs, improving the efficiency of vertical profiles. The second is the 2D trajectory revision, substituting two sequential instructions of vectoring (conflict resolution) and resume own navigation. The composite clearance improves the predictability for ATC, pilot and FMS, allowing immediate re-optimization.

“As outlined in the European ATM Master Plan,” said Nunez, “the future data link will be based on the ATN internet protocol suite and will include a multilink switch between terrestrial (LDACS), satellite (satcom) and airport surface data link (AeroMACS). This is expected to improve bandwidth, latency, reliability, prioritization mechanisms and security. It also supports the rapid increase of airline-crew data traffic that is currently impacting ATN-B2 exchanges.”

For a smooth transition to the future environment, there will be ground proxies translating between the different protocols (FANS, OSI, IPS). The ATN-B2 standard (EUROCAE ED-228 / RTCA DO-350) will be updated to incorporate validation results from the following projects: DIGITS – P.J.31 now completed; ADSCENSIO PJ.38, end-date June 2023; and 4DSKYWAYS – PJ.18, end-date 2023.

ATM industry body CANSO supports the view that each of these technologies, LDACS and satellite communications systems, offers some unique benefits and technical capabilities which complement each other. Satellite systems are especially well-suited for large coverage areas with less dense air traffic, like oceanic remote and upper continental airspace regions, while LDACS is well-suited for dense air traffic areas, such as lower-level continental areas or hot spots around airports and terminal airspace. Together, they are expected to constitute the pillars of a data link multilink concept, although CANSO says this approach of integrating complementary technologies risks failing due to no organization actually “owning” the project.

CANSO therefore believes that the establishment of a common European Datalink Service Provider could prove critical in harmonizing data link provision and governance in Europe. A future DSP is, it insists, the prerequisite to ensure that the required service performance will be systematically met, while at the same time allowing for multiple commercial actors in data link service provision to be seamlessly integrated and charged. Indeed, one additional benefit of the DSP is how it will change the way that DLS is charged across Europe, with a User Pays Principle to be adopted, where each air navigation service provider pays for the service in accordance with its usage, rather than the more arbitrary and fragmented set of rates which is currently employed

Moves are underway to establish such a common provider entity, initially through an initiative known as the ATS Common Datalink Services governance for Europe or ACDLS, with a funded project called CoDE to develop parts of this. Launched in October 2021 by the A6 Alliance — a consortium of ANSPs driving ATM modernization — and Eurocontrol, with the support of the SESAR Deployment Manager, the ACDLS aims to pave the way and accelerate as much as possible the establishment of a Common European Data Link governance within the SES Digital Backbone framework. The agreed schedule foresees the selection of the future DSP by the third quarter of 2022, its establishment in early 2023, and an operational start date of 2025 — earlier if possible.

Establishment of a common European Datalink Service Provider could prove critical in harmonizing data link provision and governance in Europe, according to CANSO.

Establishment of a common European Datalink Service Provider could prove critical in harmonizing data link provision and governance in Europe, according to CANSO.

This European plan seems to mirror the U.S. FAA’s $331 million ATC data link service contract with Harris Corp. in 2012, which required Harris to subcontract with SITA and Collins to use their VHF networks. What is being envisaged is that the European ANSPs will contract with this future single DSP to secure the service they need for CPDLC, and that this single DSP will also contract with SITA and Collins to use the VHF networks they use to provide the airline data link service, as well as all other networks and technologies.

An industry insider told Aerospace Tech Review that the FAA’s expected model was preserved in the Harris subcontract with Collins/ARINC, who retained ownership of their stations, but that the Harris SITA model was different. The Harris-SITA contract provided Harris with SITA’s U.S. VHF ground stations — which used Harris computers — and an ACARS service processor, giving Harris a VHF ACARS network to provide the FAA service. The deal allowed SITA to use the Harris-owned network to provide the service it sold to airlines.

SITA had already done the same in Europe, selling VHF ground stations to many of the ANSPs — including principally DFS in Germany, Spain’s AENA and France’s DSNA — except that they used ATN routers, not a ACARS processor. The SITA deals struck with the European ANSPs also allowed SITA to use the VHF stations to provide airline ACARS service, with the ANSPs contracting in parallel with Collins/ARINC to get data link access to their customer aircraft.

ARINC also sold VHF stations to a few European ANSPs, although far fewer than SITA. Some European ANSPs did not buy stations from either SITA or Collins/ARINC and instead established VHF service contracts with both.

“The problem with all these arrangements in the first generation of European CPDLC implementation,” said the insider, “was that the ANSPs did not create any central organization to ensure the service worked. And when they all turned on CPDLC, they collapsed the VDL network.” It is expected that a future DSP will not change the ownership model of the underlying air-ground technologies, but will serve to harmonize the procurement and provision of the services under one agent for ANSP use.

U. S. Data Comm Program Builds on Early Success

The FAA and European aviation authorities both deliver regular updates on the deployment status of CDPLC. At one of the recent ARINC Data Link Users Forums, the FAA reported that since 2016, its air traffic controllers had cleared more than 10.6 million flights using CPDLC through its Data Comm program, saving 2.73 million minutes of radio time and nearly 2 million minutes of airspace user time, which not only prevented 140,870 readback errors but also saved 22.44 million kilograms of CO2 emissions.

Outlining Data Comm tower benefits between June 2016 and July 2021 last September, Jesse Wijntjes of the FAA and Chris Collings from L3Harris reported that key area control centers in Kansas and Indiana had been fully operational since November 2019, with the Washington control center launching 24/7 operations in March 2020.

They told the forum that although all Data Comm activities for the remaining facilities had been paused due to COVID-19, the U.S. aviation agency was continuing to work on avionics and air-to-ground interoperability and apply the lessons it had already learned to help reduce deployment risk for its remaining 17 area control centers. Indeed, the agency restarted planning and deployment activities in April 2021, although a resurgence in COVID-19 cases has impacted the resumption of deployment activities.

Paul Prisaznuk is head of standards development at ARINC, leading efforts to establish consensus in aviation technical standards. “The main takeaway in the CPDLC community from the most recent updates is the growth and success of CPDLC at major airports throughout the world,” he said, pointing to the communication times saved compared with voice, in addition to reduced delay times in and around airports.

“The outcome of that VDL collapse was that the ATC community designated the SESAR Deployment Manager to technically integrate and harmonize the service provided by the combination of the VHF network elements,” he said. “Now they are creating the single DSP to operate the data link service required by the ANSPs, using the combination of the VHF network elements.” He pointed out that the European ANSPs owning VHF ground stations means the European single DSP will use some stations owned by the ANSPs, so there will likely be a complicated combination of contracts.

The European ANSPs, together with Eurocontrol, established the governance for the ATS Common Data Link Services in October 2021, and its organizational structure provides the mechanisms necessary to procure and select a DSP and also to manage its obligations in service. The governance side is organized in two distinct levels: an executive level, which envisages the presence of the Top Management Body and the DLS Governance Executive Board, with a management level to oversee the DSP as a DMU. The executive and management bodies are responsible for the DLS strategy management, the DLS governance management, and DSP contract compliance monitoring, as well as liaising with users, airspace users and the regulator.

One candidate that could become the common DSP is understood to be the ESSP organization, which is also working with Inmarsat on the British satellite business’s Iris satellite data link program. Toulouse, France-based ESSP styles itself as an “experienced and dynamic company specialized in the operations and provision of satellite-based services to aviation” — providing EGNOS, the satellite-based augmentation system for precise satellite positioning — and already holds a pan-European certification to deliver ATC-grade CNS services. Other organizations will also be in the running for the DSP and some are likely to give ESSP a run for its money.

Eurocontrol will manage the procurement and assessment process in order to select a Datalink Service Provider and it may want its governance to extend over the new data link service provider. Busy terminal at Heathrow shown above.

Eurocontrol will manage the procurement and assessment process in order to select a Datalink Service Provider and it may want its governance to extend over the new data link service provider. Busy terminal at Heathrow shown above.

Eurocontrol will manage the procurement and assessment process in order to select a DSP, as it did for NewPENS, and although ineligible to become wholly or part of a DSP itself, it may well want its governance to extend over the new data link service provider. In fact, one of the aims of the ACDLS, under the SES Digital Backbone initiative, is common governance. The fact that DLS and NewPENS are both key pillars of the SES Backbone could mean significant convergence in terms of governance at the top level.

Inmarsat Flight Trials Recent Flight Trials are Demonstrating that Satcom Has the Capability to Sit Alongside VHF in a Multi-link Capability (with PIC)

Significant progress is being made in Europe through Inmarsat’s Iris project, which is seeking to establish a long-term replacement for VDL. Aerospace Tech Review spoke to Danny Bharj, director of technology programs at Inmarsat Aviation, about the results of the latest flight tests of a modified Alaska Airlines 737-9 being operated by Boeing for its 2021 ecoDemonstrator. Inmarsat is using this to evaluate the use of IPS-based satellite data link communications between pilots and controllers to ensure it can be securely executed.

ATR: How have the flight tests performed?

DB: It’s tremendously exciting to be a part of the Boeing ecoDemonstrator program, which accelerates innovation by taking promising technologies out of the lab and testing them in the air to solve real-world challenges for airlines, passengers, and the environment. As part of the program, Boeing has tested the important new ATN/IPS (Aeronautical Telecommunication Network using Internet Protocol Suite) components for our groundbreaking Iris air traffic modernization solution. It has performed flawlessly during the in-flight evaluation stages. The full results are in the process of being validated by Boeing and are currently not public.

Powered by our ELERA global satellite network, Iris enables real-time collaboration between pilots, air traffic controllers and an airline’s operation center, using cost-effective, secure and highly resilient data link communications. As a result, they can calculate the shortest available routes, determine flight trajectories and cruise at optimum altitudes, while also receiving the latest digital information, such as weather updates. This not only improves airspace usage to accommodate future growth, but also allows airlines to minimize delays, save fuel and reduce the environmental impact of their operations.

ATN/IPS is currently being finalized as the global standard for air traffic control communications to and from the aircraft. And this is the first time it’s been trialed on flights, marking an important step forward in Iris’ global rollout and unlocking significant benefits in service scalability, bandwidth, and throughput for Air Navigation Service Providers and airspace users.

ATR: Boeing selected the Iris solution for testing, as it is closely aligned to its own commitment to reduce the environmental impact of modern aircraft. Can you outline the ways in which IPS-based satellite CPDLC achieves those objectives

DB: Boeing selected Inmarsat for this program in order to evaluate how satellite communications (not just ATN/IPS specifically) can contribute to reducing the environmental impact of aviation. ATN/IPS provides the same benefits as ATN/OSI, with the biggest contribution to sustainable aviation coming from 4D trajectory-based operations and constant descent profiles, which enable more capacity in the airspace and less fuel burn.

In addition to ATN improvement, satellite communications also contribute by providing secure and resilient cockpit connectivity for real-time EFB applications, such as live weather forecasts and satellite-based observation data to create more economical flight plans and adjust them on the go. By evaluating fueling decisions using real-time weather intelligence from en-route aircraft, airlines can also calculate the right amount of fuel to carry, thus reducing the additional fuel burn from carrying superfluous fuel.

Alaska ecoDemonstrator

ATR: How far have the trials demonstrated that satcom has the capability, both from a latency and a capacity point of view, to be able to sit alongside VHF in a multilink capability?

DB: When you analyze the performance of Inmarsat Iris, which uses our SwiftBroadband-Safety (SB-S) platform, it’s on a par with VDL in every aspect except one: We have significantly higher bandwidth of 200kbps versus the 31.5kbps provided by VDL, and more capacity. It’s widely accepted that VDL is nearing capacity in several regions around the world, and that moving to satcom (such as the Iris program in Europe) is a solution to that challenge. Additionally, Inmarsat SwiftBroadband has been proven through decades of use as part of FANS1/A, and our latest service, SB-S, is used by over 215 aircraft in regions across the globe and is meeting or exceeding the required performance for a number of operational uses, including the Four-Minute Mandate in China.

ATR: Have there been any operational issues, considering these trials were the first outside of European airspace?

DB: No operational issues have been experienced during the trials of ATN/IPS. We take our role in aviation safety extremely seriously and have extensively tested the solution not just in our own aviation lab in London, but also in testing with Boeing labs in Seattle prior to it taking flight.

ATR: How has end-to-end Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) operation — the flight management system and communications management unit through satcom — performed?

DB: Our performance was shown to meet the aviation data link requirements for Europe. We are moving to use the IPv6 standards as defined by SARPS, RTCA, EUROCAE, ICAO and AEEC, which are being written in such a way as to ensure performance is not affected compared to IPv4. The software required for IPS functionality was built specifically for this program, but what issues and small areas may still need to be validated? We may need to update elements as the industry standards activities progress. This functionality was developed on current industry standards and as the new standards are produced, there may be some amendments required.

ATR: How do the results of the demonstration impact on what Iris will be able to perform when it enters into service next year?

DB: Iris will use ATN/OSI operationally next year. ATN/IPS will not be available operationally for a few years yet. Boeing will use ATN/IPS, and the Iris infrastructure will have the capability to support ATN/IPS flight trials in 2023.



A CARS over IP (AoIP) and broadband connectivity represent an opportunity for aircraft and engine data to shift from traditional ACARS VHF, HF, and safety SATCOM connectivity to more efficient networks, to help preserve the limited bandwidth of traditional networks so they can continue to provide highly reliable communications services for operational- and safety-critical airline information.

AoIP also leverages the advantages of ACARS by exploiting the growing availability and decreasing cost of broadband cellular connectivity on the ground, and IP-capable SATCOM connectivity when airborne. The specific mechanisms vary by aircraft and the type of system used, but in general, standard ACARS 618 messages are encapsulated in IP messages between the aircraft and ground-based message handlers for processing.

Because AoIP uses broadband IP communications, which have a much higher effective throughput than VHF and HF, it is a highly scalable long-term solution. And that’s important, because one particular benefit of AoIP is the ability to offload the growing volume of aircraft operations ACARS information from VHF, HF, and narrow-band safety services SATCOM, which do not have the network performance requirements that dispatch-critical or ATS ACARS applications demand.

This means that airlines that have seen costs spiraling as a result of growing aircraft operations data volume could see cost savings by moving aircraft operations ACARS messages to AoIP, which is often delivered at a flat rate.

Its champions say that segregating the use of AoIP for large aircraft operations ACARS applications and using VHF, safety services SATCOM, and HFDL for airline operational critical ACARS information offers airlines proven VHF and SATCOM safety services connectivity for operational and safety critical ACARS information. In addition, AoIP data can be integrated directly into an airline’s existing ACARS infrastructure with no ground side automation changes.

Airlines have grown to depend on ACARS information to reliably operate and dispatch aircraft. In fact, it can be argued that ACARS has become “dispatch-critical” for airline operations. Airlines will rely on VHF or HF ACARS communications for safe and reliable operations for the foreseeable future, although the need to improve the performance and capacity of traditional ACARS networks will continue as the volume of aircraft operations traffic from next generation aircraft increases.

In a September 2021 white paper on the impact of aircraft information data, Collins Aerospace pointed out that if forecasts become reality, demand will soon outpace VHF and HF capacity, and that in some regions, capacity limitations are already impacting operations. Its analysis of traffic on its ACARS network, GLOBALink, to compare aircraft operations data — in this case the OEM/Engine Digital Flight Data (DFD) application — among aircraft types demonstrates the difference in DFD ACARS volume among older and newer generations of aircraft, with newer generation aircraft generating significantly more DFD data.

Collins Aerospace’s projection of new-generation aircraft growth shows a significant increase in the percentage of new-generation aircraft compared with “legacy” aircraft over the next 15 years, when the new-generation aircraft fleet is projected to grow from 9% to 57% of all operational airline aircraft, as older aircraft are retired. With these aircraft generating significantly more AI ACARS data, there will be continued stress on VHF ACARS capacity without any change.

Ian Galloway

Ian Galloway

Indeed, to examine the stress that the growth of new generation aircraft might put on VHF capacity, Collins conducted an assessment of VHF traffic growth over the next 15 years using the new-generation aircraft growth estimate, considering ACARS growth with and without AoIP for aircraft operations ACARS information.

The assessment shows a potential growth factor of up to 2.4 times that of 2019, pre-COVID levels of VHF-based AI traffic without considering a migration of AI traffic to AoIP. It also shows that AoIP has the capability to preserve VHF capacity for critical airline operations and air traffic services by migrating aircraft operations ACARS applications away from VHF.

“The forecast shows that strong market adoption of AoIP would result in nearly half the VHF ACARS traffic over the next 15 years,” according to Collins. “While we expect VHF traffic will grow slightly as new aircraft are introduced, it could be much less dramatic with the use of AoIP. This would equate to improvements of performance to the datalink network.”

Ian Galloway is head of connected aircraft enablement services at Collins Aerospace, which has offered services since the late ‘70s to enable ACARS messaging to be processed. In the last five years, it has offered the technology to enable ACARS messaging to be sent in IP format.

As Galloway pointed out, ACARS is simply a message protocol, and IP is the communications protocol through which it is transmitted, meaning that ACARS messaging can be transmitted over IP-based channels such as cellular and broadband SATCOM, in addition to existing ACARS networks such as VHF. This essentially allows more value by expanding the networks available for ACARS messaging.

“Indeed, both Boeing and Airbus have been pushing hard for this, and what we’ve seen is significant technology capability leaps in recent technical insertion points. We are seeing a lot of interest because of the new aircraft variant types, and the challenge of managing the volume of generated data from those aircraft is huge, while at the same time protecting the VHF network, which must continue to be able to provide safety critical service. Takeup of ACARS over IP is therefore being driven by the airline industry’s investment strategy in modern aircraft,” Galloway said. “As a communications technology provider, we have seen ACARS over IP grow, and we see it as simply extending an airline and its flight operations department’s capability as it leverages an airline’s investment in connectivity in other areas.”

Collins says the new-generation aircraft fleet is projected to grow from 9% to 57% of all operational airline aircraft, as older aircraft are retired. With these aircraft generating significantly more AI ACARS data, there will be continued stress on VHF ACARS capacity without any change. AoIP has the capability to preserve VHF capacity for critical airline operations and air traffic services by migrating aircraft operations ACARS applications away from VHF. Collins image.

Collins says the new-generation aircraft fleet is projected to grow from 9% to 57% of all operational airline aircraft, as older aircraft are retired. With these aircraft generating significantly more AI ACARS data, there will be continued stress on VHF ACARS capacity without any change. AoIP has the capability to preserve VHF capacity for critical airline operations and air traffic services by migrating aircraft operations ACARS applications away from VHF. Collins image.

Discussing the merits of equipping an aircraft with AoIP, Galloway conceded that the case for equipage is a detailed and complex process for any airline: “It’s a highly complicated argument — anyone can appreciate that putting new avionics on an aircraft needs a business case. The devil is in the details, and depending on what existing avionics you operate, what will ACARS over IP enable, and what will it not enable, will need examining.”

The upside is that AoIP can be a gamechanger in terms of how the technology allows an airline to increase its operational efficiency. Collins sees itself as an avionics supplier and communication services provider whose focus is essentially consultative and highly niche to enable that value to be delivered.

“One thing is for certain — an airline’s flight operations and IT department need to be fully engaged. And while a large airline has the capability to easily understand what the transition will mean and what eventual capability the technology will offer, a smaller airline will almost certainly need many more questions answered and a high level of handholding delivered through a more consultative approach by the supplier,” Galloway said.

From a services perspective, advanced aircraft such as the A320neo and A330neo are equipped with line-fit avionics, which makes the addition of ACARS over IP much less complicated. “Obviously we see a much slower uptake in terms of the aftermarket,” Galloway said. “What we want is for a flight operations department to integrate its traditional ways of working with ACARS over IP. After all, they have built procedures about how data is collected, and all of that has been built around a particular performance profile. So our focus in 2022 will be tweaking and finessing systems as needed so an airline can get the performance it needs. We’ll also be talking to our OEM partners and listening to what they plan to focus on and how we can drive similar standards and protocols. What we would like to make sure of is that ACARS over IP does not fragment and that there continues to be some level of standardization in the use of this technology.”

Murray Skelton is senior director of international sales at Teledyne Controls. For Skelton, the chief value of ACARS over IP is that although ACARS messaging has been around for many years, the use of the IP protocol for ACARS means an airline can start to use networks it could never previously use.

For example, legacy ACARS networks require significant ground infrastructure to provide coverage around the world. As a result, for some operators ACARS coverage can be limited depending on geographical operation. However, with AoIP, ACARS data can be sent over IP networks such as cellular. Skelton said it comes as no surprise that the global cellular radio networks have far greater ground network coverage than the current ACARS services. What’s more, he said, is that the ground cellular networks are scaled to provide voice and data services to millions of devices, and the IP data bandwidths they provide are thousands of times greater than ACARS message bandwidths.

SITA’s Euan Mitchell stressed that the use of operational connected applications, like graphical weather and fuel optimization applications, is rocketing. There are new air traffic control features coming too, like trajectory-based operations. All of this means more capacity and performance are needed.

SITA’s Euan Mitchell stressed that the use of operational connected applications, like graphical weather and fuel optimization applications, is rocketing. There are new air traffic control features coming too, like trajectory-based operations. All of this means more capacity and performance are needed.

“The scalability and capability of IP networks over classic ACARS is such that networks like cellular also remove some of the ACARS usage limitations in terms of cost and message volumes,” he added. “Cellular data tariffs, roaming costs have been reducing for many years as technology refreshes, while IP bandwidth and availability has been growing exponentially. So not only does ACARS over IP increase the availability of the ACARS service, it also greatly reduces the data usage costs and allows more airlines to use it for many more operational tasks.”

AoIP takes advantage of IP security technology such as PKI VPN tunneling to ensure AoIP messages are encrypted end to end, providing a more secure messaging solution, according to Teledyne Controls. Teledyne Controls image.

AoIP takes advantage of IP security technology such as PKI VPN tunneling to ensure AoIP messages are encrypted end to end, providing a more secure messaging solution, according to Teledyne Controls. Teledyne Controls image.

Teledyne has long experience with ACARS, having been one of the original manufacturers of the first ACARS management units. Its cellular WQAR (wireless quick access recorder) equipment, the GroundLink Comm+, is installed on about 70% of the current global passenger aircraft fleet, and this technology can also deliver an ACARS over IP service for GroundLink customers. Teledyne has around 1,000 commercial air transport aircraft today either actively using or installing Ground Datalink, its AoIP over solution on its GroundLink Comm+ system. It also provides an option to use other IP networks for AoIP and AID+ connectivity through the GroundLink, such as Ka and Ku broadband IFE SATCOM, which in combination with cellular provides AoIP in all flight phases, using low-cost high-bandwidth IP networks.

Skelton pointed out that IP technology for ACARS also provides additional advantages over the current ACARS legacy systems. In today’s world, data cybersecurity is rightly a serious concern for all airlines. AoIP takes advantage of IP security technology such as PKI VPN tunneling to ensure that, unlike classic ACARS, all the AoIP messages are encrypted end to end, providing a much more secure messaging solution for aircraft operations.

In 2022, Skelton foresees a huge resurgence in airline interest in AoIP and aircraft IP connectivity in general. Airlines are looking to 2022 to get their operations back to pre-COVID levels, and operational cost reduction will be key as their recovery begins in earnest. In addition to recovery, the airline industry is facing new challenges such as new operational carbon reduction targets. To achieve these targets, airlines will need to focus on operational efficiency, and much of that will require more and better operational data monitoring driven by new connectivity solutions such as AoIP and real-time IP connectivity solutions.

Skelton predicts a very different uptake profile in 2022 for AoIP and aircraft IP connectivity solutions in general: “The 2021 recovery did not come back as expected in terms of traffic growth, although new airline business for Teledyne in the later part of 2021 demonstrated the growing confidence of our customers for a 2022 recovery, indicating that solutions like ACARS over IP are very likely to be a growth market.”

Euan Mitchell is senior product manager at SITA’s AIRCOM Cockpit Services. He sees huge benefits of encapsulating ACARS messages sent over IP networks, and quite a few of SITA’s customers have already gone in this direction or are seriously considering it through trials or through targeted deployments on sub-fleets.

He points out that ACARS as a messaging protocol is deeply embedded into an airline’s operation, touching almost every department of the airline and integrated into many back-office systems and processes that airlines use to run their operations. “This means that while the onboard changes required to implement ACARS over IP need to be carefully considered, from a ground perspective, keeping ACARS as the language an airline is used to speaking means there is little to no ground integration to consider,” Mitchell said. “As a communications service provider, we are able to deliver AoIP messages in exactly the same way to our customers as we do ACARS over VHF or satellite, through the same infrastructure, connectivity and to the same host application on the airline side. The simplicity of this is a big win for the airline.”

He said there are several flavors of AoIP solutions now coming out of the major airframers, and that the early adopters of such solutions did so (and are still doing so) on a retrofit basis. “This means they have had to craft a business case, which makes sense to the purse-string owners within the airline, to perform modification to the aircraft. Depending on the solution, this can in some cases be relatively simple and affordable.”

The successful cases SITA has seen with its customers, according to Mitchell, have been based around several benefits:

In terms of expansion of ground coverage, today most airlines base a lot of the aircraft turnaround processes on ACARS messaging. If an airline is flying to an airport that does not have VHF radio coverage, or is parked at a gate that is blocked from coverage, it has to resort to manual processes, which is painful, Mitchell said, and also inefficient in both time and cost. So connecting the aircraft to terrestrial cellular (3G/4G/5G) generally provides great coverage and enables a consistent ACARS-based turnaround process across the airline’s network.

Mitchell said this expansion of coverage also has benefits to the communications service provider, in that a VHF/VDL radio does not have to necessarily be deployed in airports where it’s not economically viable. “We have a great example of this with our customer Cebu Pacific in the Philippines. They fly to loads of airports where it is just not feasible to deploy a radio station. They deployed ACARS over IP (terrestrial cellular) where there is good coverage in the Philippines; and their aircraft can now connect at all their airports. That’s a big win.”

In terms of higher bandwidth, Mitchell said, “It’s quite amazing what the airline industry and communication service provider community have achieved over the decades, with 2.4 kbps of Very High Frequency radio throughput, and the value this has generated for the industry; but IP networks change the game, they basically put us into a place of almost unlimited capacity.”

This is good for two main reasons, according to Mitchell: First, the airline can now turn on everything. There is almost no limit now to what an airline can decide to offload from the aircraft on the ground, which previously was limited by the physics of the networks being used. The other advantage is cost, with the physics of the networks also dictating the cost of using the networks. “We effectively have to price consumption in a way that does not encourage levels of usage that the network can’t support. Enter IP, and we can move to pretty much unlimited levels of consumption for a fixed price, which supports the airline’s business case,” he said.

Also, AoIP solutions generally are created with security in mind from the beginning, during the design phase, which means they are highly secured, using things like VPN and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), while adding an IP network into an overall communication ecosystem, or “network of networks,” provides greater resilience in that if one network fails, there exists another chance for the aircraft to connect.

For Mitchell, there is one final benefit: IP networks will help the industry manage growth. “The topic of growth is not something that has really been labored over the past 24 months, but the challenge of managing growth never really left us,” he said. “Modern aircraft consume more than their predecessors, the use of operational connected applications is rocketing (e.g. graphical weather applications and fuel optimization applications), and there are new air traffic control features coming too, like trajectory-based operations. All of this means we need more capacity — and performance — in our networks. And using IP, particularly to move “non-safety” or non-ATC messages off the existing and approved communications networks, is going to benefit the whole community.”

Aerospace Cyber Threats Grow With Increased Connectivity

Aerospace Cyber Threats Grow With Increased Connectivity

Today’s aircraft are increasingly connected – from passenger inflight entertainment systems through to flight deck and avionics connectivity and yet, as more and more data is being generated, transporting that to and from the aircraft expediently and securely to its destination is becoming increasingly important.

Sensitivity over data security has increased in the United States over recent months following the attack on Colonial Pipeline which carries gasoline and jet fuel from Texas up the East Coast to New York. While the company was not specific with the details, the White House and FBI disclosed it was due to a ransomware attack, in which criminal groups hold data hostage until the victim pays a ransom. This breach has heightened fears over the vulnerability of not only the nation’s energy infrastructure to cyber-attacks but the transportation sector too especially as the national aviation system starts to ramp up operations as the pandemic’s impact is harnessed.

In a June 2 open letter to corporate executives and business leaders the White House deputy national security advisor for cyber and emergency technology, appealed for business leaders to view ransomware not as a data theft problem, but rather as a threat to their core business – with the ability to halt operations and cut off the company’s revenue stream.

Florent Rizzo CEO, CyberInflight

Florent Rizzo
CEO, CyberInflight

And it is by no means a national weakness. Florent Rizzo of the Toulouse, France-based CyberInflight intelligence consultancy points to the latest European statistics on the aviation cyber threat. The EATM-CERT (European Air Traffic Management Computer Emergency Response Team) which supports Europe’s air navigation safety agency EUROCONTROL as well as European air traffic management stakeholders in protecting themselves against cyber threats, demonstrates an ever-present danger.

Based on its research, the number of publicly known cyber-attacks on airlines, airports, air navigation service providers and other aviation stakeholders in 2019 was estimated to be below 100. Worryingly, a July 2021 report from the EATM-CERT clearly highlights the concern with cyber-attacks rising by 530 per cent between 2019 and 2020, with ‘startling impacts across market segments’.

Within that threat environment however, the proliferation of ransomware activities during 2020 is evident. In France for example, ANSSI which is the country’s national security agency, documented a threefold increase in the annual number of reported incidents from 54 in 2019 to 192 in 2020.

Industrial Insight

Regine Bonneau is CEO and founder of Winter Park, Florida-based RB Advisory, a security compliance and cyber risk management solutions expert that serves a client rollcall featuring many businesses that support the US Department of Defense. She believes that cyber security will only become more of a critical issue for businesses that have to convert the value of the data they collect to make it a meaningful business tool such as airlines. She warns however that those who fail to realize the critical value of data effectively leave the door wide open to attacks because a malicious cyber enemy will never be slow to spot and exploit your failure here.

Regine Bonneau CEO, RB Advisory

Regine Bonneau
CEO, RB Advisory

Bonneau chronicles the key moment data became a critical element in the cyber security landscape. She says it started simply enough with the development of industry marketing platforms which started converting the customer contact rolodex into electronic databases that supported automated email and call targeting campaigns. And while those data driven analytics are now crucial to driving a business’s profitability, they also potentially have become its weakest link.

The Aerospace Industry Association (AIA) is working to increase the awareness regarding the regulations and standards of aviation systems with its published industry assessment and recommendations establishing cyber security standards for avionic systems.

The Aerospace Industry Association (AIA) is working to increase the awareness regarding the regulations and standards of aviation systems with its published industry assessment and recommendations establishing cyber security standards for avionic systems.

Bonneau advises that the first step is to classify exactly what data you as a business are collecting and its importance in terms of value and usability. “Really scrutinize your business and ask yourself, who has access to these data collections. Ask yourself who are they and why are they using this data.” Continuous monitoring is required here — and not only within your own organization but without too so considerations about a business’s supply chain will immediately come to bear. “If you don’t control who has access to your customer information, you are potentially handing over admin rights to your data,” Bonneau says. “Key to your approach should be control of your data outside your own organization to your supplier because that extension of you as a business represents your biggest risk.”

Then, Bonneau says, a business would be wise to look at what it collects in terms of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which deals with any sort of sensitive information associated with a specific person, which can be used to identify or locate that individual.

“This is at the top of the value pyramid but do you have the technology to identify where this data is and how it can be encrypted? Can you ensure industry-standard ‘data privacy by design’ which is conducted through a close assessment of the sort of data that is being collected?” Bonneau asks.

Solutions: Digital Certificates

One facet of the aviation cybersecurity effort is the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which uses digital certificates for authentication, integrity, and encryption. Industry standards such as ARINC 842 and ATA Spec 42 provide guidance for securing digital assets in the aviation industry using PKI. Teledyne Controls, which was the first to introduce in the late 1990s wireless technology as a viable means to securely and automatically transfer large volumes of data between the aircraft and the airline’s ground network, has over two decades of experience in securing the delivery of its customers’ data to its final destination. The company’s popular Teledyne GroundLink Comm+ system, which is in service on over 10,000 aircraft worldwide, uses IPSec VPNs to provide secure transport for data from the aircraft to the ground and vice versa use ATA Spec 42-compliant digital certificates to provide authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity. Flight data payloads are encrypted to ensure confidentiality for data at rest. The IPSec VPN tunnels also protect data that is uploaded — for example with Teledyne groundlink dataloading, loadable software parts, navigation databases and application updates that are wirelessly distributed to the aircraft’s onboard data loaders, are protected. The GroundLink Comm+ also serves as an aircraft interface device (AID), enabling flight deck connectivity for Electronic Flight Bags while digital certificates are also employed to ensure only authenticated devices can connect to the AID.

Solutions: Business Aviation Monitoring

The significance of cyber security for the owners and operators of corporate business jets is acute. Josh Wheeler, director of customer services at Satcom Direct, a business which is a leader in cyber security support for aviation. Its ecosystem is built on an open architecture platform which means third party providers can plug into the SD Pro digital dashboard to help customers manage data transmission from third party organizations through a single platform.

SD is an ISP in its own right so can provide services that ensure data never touches the public network and combines technology with best-in-class cyber security expertise to help create a virtual flying office supported by a whole set of experts monitoring for abnormal data patterns in addition to a SD Incident Response Team. Should SD’s system flag a critical breach it automatically blocks the data transmission and the flight department will be called to take care of the device in question

“Five years ago, we spotted the vulnerability of high-speed data systems but the industry was not really aware of their security weakness. Hackers, after all, don’t understand that it is a corporate jet, they just see an IP address,” says Wheeler who explains that SD conducted a study before launching the service after being shocked to find highly valuable corporate data could be so easily accessed. “The more data you use,” he says, “the more vulnerable you are, and the most secure aircraft is the one that stays on the ground, offline. Altitude does not make you safe because if you can get on to the internet, cyber attackers can get to you.”

What the core SD cyber service actually is, is a series of firewalls and sophisticated tools, combined with human cyber expertise, to monitor data streams. SD also plans to launch in the third quarter of this year a service called Advanced Encryption which is purpose built for business aviation to further strengthen data security, offering a protective defense layer that essentially cloaks the entire aircraft network without compromising speed or performance. Using proprietary technology, it optimizes a secure accelerated tunnel through which encrypted anonymized data passes from the aircraft to the ground network and back – dispensing with the need for VPN on personal digital devices.

Some threats the company CybelAngel has exposed as vulnerable are areas of airport security, details of air marshal identity and assigned flights, security badge design templates that could be easily duplicated by bad actors and critical infrastructure plans showing aviation fuel supply routes, among others.

Some threats the company CybelAngel has exposed as vulnerable are areas of airport security, details of air marshal identity and assigned flights, security badge design templates that could be easily duplicated by bad actors and critical infrastructure plans showing aviation fuel supply routes, among others.

SD offering essentially centres on stackable, tailored services on a turnkey availability basis and this has been driven by charter outfits that do not have a big corporate backbone but who wish to ensure secure and completely anonymous communications for their customers. That’s not surprising since the industry is witnessing an explosion in ransomware attacks which have bypassed security protocols with a lot more breaches via mobile phones rather than laptops.

Solutions: Scanning for Visibility

Todd Carroll is chief information security officer with Paris, France-based CybelAngel which has developed a digital risk protection platform that constantly scans for keywords on behalf of its clients using Machine Learning techniques.

CybelAngel’s platform has the ability to process data gleaned from billions of documents readily accessible on the internet. Carroll recounts how one of its aerospace engineering manufacturing clients was developing a brand-new turboprop engine and was using a Taiwanese manufacturer to make the mounting components to attach the engine on to the wing which meant it had to send detailed drawings over the internet.

As part of a routine security protocol requested by the business, CybelAngel’s scanning technology revealed how the engine manufacturer’s confidential designs were wide open to public scrutiny. Carroll says he has been amazed at the things his business has also exposed as vulnerable in the areas of airport security such as details of air marshal identity and assigned flights, security badge design templates that could be easily duplicated by bad actors and critical infrastructure plans showing aviation fuel supply routes.

Todd Carroll CIO, CybelAngel

Todd Carroll
CIO, CybelAngel

Collaborative Approach

CyberInflight’s Rizzo says that not only have companies become better at detection since 2019 but also the information sharing landscape has evolved positively with Information sharing not only increasingly accepted but also seen as an important mean of improving the resilience among aerospace stakeholders.

He cites the increasing participation of more and more stakeholders in information sharing communities such as the Aviation ISAC, the Space ISAC and Boost Aerospace in Europe. A series of events has also shown an increasing interest from the aviation industry for onboard cyber security. In August 2019, the DEFCON conference held its first Aviation Village event which gathers aviation and security experts, government agencies and industry leaders. Here the US Air Force (USAF) allowed a small team of pre-selected security researchers to perform tests on the data transfer system of an F-15 military jet and was sufficiently convinced by the results to renew its presence with a different challenge every year.

For the 2020 event, the USAF and the Department of Defense gathered more than 1,300 researchers and hackers and set them the task of penetrating an actual satellite orbiting around earth. The popularity of this collaborative approach seems to be spreading with the link between cyber security researchers and the industry becoming stronger through the use of more vulnerability disclosure programs such as those launched by Boeing and Thales. “It is now easier for cyber security researchers to find this process on the internet; clear guidelines are given to researchers with a step-by-step process to follow and with a dedicated email address,” says Rizzo.

Various international institutions and associations such as the AIA, the Aerospace Industry Association, are also working to increase the awareness regarding the regulations and standards of aviation systems with its published industry assessment and recommendations establishing cyber security regulations and standards for avionic systems in which it recommends that the next revision of ARINC 628 incorporates security appropriately in particular for IFE interface systems.

In July 2020, EASA which is ensuring safety and security in civil aviation in Europe also amended rules related to the product certification to mitigate the potential effects of cyber security threats to reflect the state of the art of the protection of products and equipment against cyber security threats.

Independent cyber security consultant Rob Hill is a passionate evangelist for aviation cyber security. He salutes these first invitations from the primes to invite the research community to collaborate. “

All the many teams of engineers that work on cyber security are highly competent but they just do not share, they need to be telling everyone where the weakest point could be,” he says. “The risk level is higher in aviation simply because no one talks about cyber security and there are no open conversations as a result. When do we change…when the pain of not changing exceeds the pain of doing anything?”

Hill says the single most important action by the industry should be to get the word out that avionics need to be monitored and protected from possible intrusion. “Most aircraft operators and owners are not monitoring systems now because there has been no ability to monitor avionics or cabin WIFI on board the aircraft,” he says, “but that issue has been resolved and now the equipment and services to proactively monitor and thwart attacks on avionics and cabin WIFI are readily available.”

He believes the greatest concern and one that is frequently overlooked is the role of the honest mistake by an employee or vendor and when it is a matter of business jet clientele that simple mistake can cost big time. “Around 86 per cent of attacks that occur are financially motivated and let’s face it, a business jet is the biggest billboard going and you only have to give me five minutes and I’ll work out who is using the aircraft.”

For Hill the perfect safety net is having an onboard firewall which does two things – monitors cabin wifi plus 429 Bus monitoring – the avionics data feed “That’s got to be the gold standard,” he says. He does not however discount that there are bad actors working within aviation in charge of avionics upgrades who have all the certifications and authorizations to access aircraft avionics systems although judges the chances of any attack being perpetrated remotely slim. “It is the employee mistakenly uploading or opening a file that can bridge the aircraft’s avionics which is very real,” he says.

Hill touts another alarming statistic – the fact that it takes between six – 18 months before a breach is noticed and points as best practitioners those businesses in the IT and pharma industries as they truly understand what they need to protect in terms of data assets. “It is the mid-size business jet operator with small IT teams which are the most vulnerable,” Hill says, adding that he has seen flight departments of up to 100 people which are still far from perfect in terms of cyber security protocols.

“The worse thing for business jet cyber security is the surprise visitor into the cabin – often a celebrity’s friends and even children of the aircraft owner. Let’s face it, there is a lot of bad stuff on children’s gaming sites. They’re often not all that they seem and hackers will target children to get malware into the system. Invariably, the point of entry is human.”

He suspects that across many Fortune 500 businesses, there is a culture of acceptance as some of the weaknesses that cyber attacks lay bare are just too expensive to fix and it is cheaper to pay the ransom.

Data sharing concerns

Strengthening security measures does come with challenges, and in many cases requires increasing cooperation between various organizational departments. For example, while the data itself may be used by the flight operations or maintenance engineering departments, securing the data may be the responsibility of the IT/infrastructure departments. Use of PKI also comes with the additional overhead of digital certificate management although here, Teledyne Controls says it provides support for its products to customers who wish to enable the connectivity of their fleets while operating them securely.

Another challenge worth mentioning is data ownership. OEMs want data from the airlines, but airlines as the data owners may only want to share with them the relevant data. Teledyne’s Data Delivery Solution (DDS) addresses this issue by providing the means for airlines to control what data can be distributed to OEMs for prognostics, maintenance, health management, etc. As a fully managed cloud-based service, DDS quickly establishes automatic flows of airline-owned full series data directly from the aircraft into the OEMs data platforms. The airlines retain full control over the sharing of their data by selecting what data parameters lists they agree to share with what data consumer.

Upgrade/Test Considerations

Another challenge that the industry faces is patch management. Vulnerabilities are being discovered at an ever-increasing rate. However, hardware and software installed on aircraft must go through a certification process and cannot easily be updated in an expedient manner in the same way that ground-based systems can be. As Rob Hill points out, a comprehensive penetration test to ascertain whether systems are sufficiently robust could even render the warranties and certification of some aircraft systems void. There is increasing acknowledgement that airlines, OEMs, and suppliers now need to work with regulators (FAA, EASA, etc.) in order to establish requirements and guidelines for ensuring the continued security of connected aircraft.

This issue of baked-in compliance for Bonneau is important as the weakest links can often be found within the older venerable names in the aviation manufacturing and operational landscape as their older legacy systems are frequently just not equipped to deal with the infuriating litheness of today’s cyber threat environment. “It’s not really about the technology it’s about compliance. The thing you need to ask yourself is,” Bonneau says, “have you driven your security approach to the end point in all the layers yourself and have you incentivized your supply chain to do the same?”

Once this process is complete, a business then needs to examine its resilience. Here, it is not a question of when, but a question of how, Bonneau says: “Ask yourself, what do I have in place to contain an attack and how quickly can I re-establish the business?”

All this requires continuous security assessment. There also has to be a frank acknowledgement that a business will never be 100 per cent protected and for Bonneau, it’s all about layers, about being prepared and ready at all levels with that layering of maturity applying equally to your sub-contractors. It’s a case of “we learn, we assess our status, we understand the gaps and we work towards a future goal – and this is a continuous process.”

CybelAngel’s Todd Carroll echoes this, recommending that businesses ensure that vendor and suppliers contracts are watertight. “It has to be a case of continuous and layered monitoring. You need to know where your critical data could be potentially exposed leaving your business vulnerable. Essentially, you need to be proactive here or else someone will steal your R&D. Ask yourself, ‘who are your cyber security suppliers? are they the ones you have had for decades and you must ask yourself, are they still up to the job? You need to put resources into this, conduct an RFP on today’s requirement, and really ask yourself, do your existing suppliers meet the challenge?”



Five years in the making, the VA-X4 electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft looks set to radically change the way advanced innovative aircraft are designed, developed and integrated into complex urban airspace.

Vertical Aerospace, the UK-headquartered engineering business behind the VA-X4, says its mission is to make air travel personal, on-demand and carbon-free through designing, manufacturing, selling and servicing an aircraft that will travel at speeds of over 200mph, be near silent when in flight, produce zero emissions and deliver all this at an enviable low cost per passenger mile.

The VA-X4 is a one-pilot, four passenger winged vehicle which represents the culmination of multiple design iterations. Eight highly efficient lift rotors will minimize power and noise in hover, and a limited wingspan will allow it to operate in heliports to ensure a fast and efficient cruise with a range of around 100 miles. Further, through careful design and modelling, Vertical says it is confident that the X-4 will be capable of flying a 25-mile journey at an operating cost of just over one hundred dollars meaning a cost of one dollar per passenger mile. And for key shorter missions such as linking airports to city centres, the X4’s anticipated vehicle efficiency will allow it to rapidly charge in under ten minutes.

Michael Cervenka, President Vertical Aerospace

Michael Cervenka, President
Vertical Aerospace

And all this within a 2024-2025 timeframe. While this may strike even a seasoned industry veteran as ambitious, Vertical President Michael Cervenka, who, in a 20-year career with Rolls-Royce culminating in his heading the UK engine maker’s future technologies division, says the speed with which the X4 will be industrialized is very much down to assembling a dream industrial team, both within Vertical and without, through leveraging the excellence within its strategic industrial partners.

A Stellar Roll-Call

Indeed, Vertical has established an executive team with over 1,200 combined years of experience, one which has certified and supported over 30 different civil and military aircraft and propulsion systems. The industry roll-call features Eric Samson, former VP engineering and chief engineer at General Dynamics, Tim Williams, former chief engineer of Rolls-Royce, Madhu Bhabuta, former chief technology officer of the UK’s Ministry of Defence, Dr. Limhi Somerville, former technical manager at Jaguar Land Rover heading battery systems, Paul Harper, former UK chief airworthiness engineer at Airbus, and Eduardo Dominguez, former CEO of Airbus’ Urban Mobility.

A key strategic investing partner is Microsoft through its M12 venture capital fund. Microsoft’s expertise in high performance computing and simulation will be a key enabler in reducing our costs and time to market in embracing new technologies, Cervenka says. Vertical image.

A key strategic investing partner is Microsoft through its M12 venture capital fund. Microsoft’s expertise in high performance computing and simulation will be a key enabler in reducing our costs and time to market in embracing new technologies, Cervenka says. Vertical image.

Strategic Partnerships

This world-class team with its in-house focus on high value-add design and proprietary technology will combine what it brings to the table with a strategic ecosystem of top-tier partners, each of whom is itself adept at testing, building and certifying some of the world’s most advanced aircraft. The R&D expertise — not to mention commercial and manufacturing acumen — residing in industry partners such as Rolls-Royce, Honeywell, GKN and Solvay will allow Vertical to create a consummately asset-light business model with appealing unit economics.

Most importantly such strategic partnerships will accelerate Vertical’s path to certification, de-risk execution, allow for a lean cost structure, and will enable production at scale. Here, Cervenka says Vertical views certification as the greatest challenge particularly in the field of flight controls although this is significantly offset by those top tier aerospace companies working alongside the business. “Obviously, they are giving us a lot more in-kind support as they are paying for significant aspects of the certification programme and in the case of Rolls-Royce and Honeywell, they are investing directly in the business.”

Supported by such deep industrial expertise, Vertical is aiming for the VA-X4 to be certified to the most stringent European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) large commercial aircraft standards and it is this level of safety assurance, Vertical says, that will help unlock an urban air mobility market of US$1 trillion by 2040 and one which could potentially grow to US$4.4 trillion by 2040.

Meeting Potential Demand

Vertical is developing the traditional airframer integration model beyond what is done today against a future landscape that will be characterized by huge demand in the eVTOL space meeting an inevitable constraint on supply. “The opportunity for us as one of the few credible players capable of certifying a vehicle within the 2024-2025 timeframe is how to meet that demand and leverage that early mover advantage,” Cervenka says. “From both a capital and industrial perspective it makes much more sense to leverage suppliers to do the bulk of the component and subsystem manufacturing and assembly,” he says, adding, “the idea is that all the suppliers do the subsystem assembly and pretesting so when we come to final assembly we will only have the fitting out of the fuselage and to bring in the cabin and cockpit system.”

The one area in which Vertical is very deliberately vertically integrated is on the X4 battery system which from a strategic point of view, is critical both in terms of the performance of the vehicle as any improvement here drives payload and range up and also in terms of keeping the commercial cost down. “We have some leading expertise,” says Cervenka, “and have hired some brilliant people headed by Limhi Somerville who is chairing the European working group that is defining the regulations for batteries so we have a real headstart in helping shape future regulation and that knowledge is a real differentiator for our business.”

For Cervenka, a key strategic investing partner is Microsoft through its M12 venture capital fund, which will play a crucial role in delivering such a very complex vehicle with its radically different physics that have to be comprehensively modelled and simulated. “We are entering a really exciting space because we’re seeing the biggest disruption in aviation since the Jet Age and the rate of technology progress is much faster than aviation has been used to,” he explains. “Aviation has become really expert at delivering small incremental improvements rather than big changes that are happening on a more rapid time scale and at least at an airframe level, it’s not the incumbents like Boeing etc that are well equipped to deal with that and we think the sweet spot is that combination of being an agile, focussed startup that is digitally native.”

Collaboration in the Cloud

“For me, Microsoft is the strategic partner here. Microsoft’s expertise in high performance computing and simulation will be a key enabler in reducing our costs and time to market in embracing new technologies. We are already using high performance computing based on Microsoft’s Zero Cloud system and they are also using us as a pathfinder in helping deploy their capabilities in other engineering organizations.”

“The other area in which we are collaborating is a bespoke cloud architecture. Digital aircraft inherently create a lot of data but then we get into a whole wider ecosystem of everything from airspace management through to wider B2B, B2C services. We have some of the best architects within Microsoft helping us build an architecture to really give us an incredible open system, leveraging all those future data opportunities right across the whole operational ecosystem.”

Vertical says it wants the VA-X4 to be certified to the most stringent European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) large commercial aircraft standards. Vertical image.

Vertical says it wants the VA-X4 to be certified to the most stringent European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) large commercial aircraft standards. Vertical image.

Leveraging the deep expertise of industrial partners, Vertical confidently forecasts that it will break even with annual sales of less than 100 aircraft — calculated as the number of aircraft sales required to reach positive net income and cash flow in 2024. Here Vertical’s confidence is based on keeping its business agile and lean through being uniquely capital- and asset-lite. “Our competitors are raising in some cases billions in investment, while we have much more of a capital-lite business model both in terms of sharing the cost of certification with partners who have spent huge amounts developing technologies and the fact that they too are investing in the business,” says Cervenka.

“One competitor is essentially going to retain ownership of its vehicle but we think the market is plenty big enough so that we don’t need to capture every part of the value chain. We will therefore be predominantly an OEM and aftermarket business so the amount we need to spend to certify and industrialize our product is lower than our competitors.”

Another consideration is the fact is that eVTOL will be a supply-constrained market unlike the current duopoly of Airbus and Boeing where there is real commercial pressure to drive down margins. “In this world,” says Cervenka, “the cost of the aircraft is a very small part of the operating cost even on the basis of a ten-year lifecycle. That creates a dynamic where there is elasticity in pricing and the potential for us to be really profitable and to create an early return. That clearly gives us options in terms of developing future variants, hybrid variants and bigger vehicles.”

Virgin Atlantic wants to develop an ultra-short haul eVTOL airline. Many feel this ambition looks to have merit in Europe as it offers population density with 230 cities with a population of 300,000 people within 100 miles. Vertical image.

Virgin Atlantic wants to develop an ultra-short haul eVTOL airline. Many feel this ambition looks to have merit in Europe as it offers population density with 230 cities with a population of 300,000 people within 100 miles. Vertical image.

Airlines Take Notice

That confidence was no doubt buoyed by the announcement this summer that commercial partnerships and individual conditional pre-orders had been secured with American Airlines, Virgin Atlantic and lessor Avolon for up to 1,000 aircraft in total, providing a direct route to market and an opportunity to work collaboratively on key go-to-market workstreams.

American has agreed to pre-order, subject to certain conditions, up to 250 aircraft, with an option to order an additional 100 aircraft, Avolon has agreed to pre-order up to 310 aircraft with an option for a further 190, and Virgin Atlantic has an option to purchase between 50 and 150 aircraft. In addition, each customer has pledged to work towards the prompt certification and deployment of aircraft in commercial operations.

A detailed look at each individual airline vision on eVTOL is intriguing: American Airlines will work on passenger operations and infrastructure development while Virgin Atlantic will work with Vertical to explore the joint venture, Virgin Atlantic-branded short haul eVTOL network, which features not only operations but also infrastructure development.

“The world is moving more and more to cities with the mega trend towards urbanisation and ground infrastructure already can’t keep up. And while eVTOL is not the magic bullet that solves all that clearly there’s a huge pent-up demand and it represents a big enabler,” says Vertical’s president. “Our personal view is that intercity, flying point to point, will be the biggest market but it will take time and that is driven in many places by a need for more infrastructure, more advanced ATM systems to allow these aircraft to fly at low altitudes over public places – and also by public acceptance.” Cervenka says he believes that nearer term, the big strategic market will be airport-city centre operations. “That is a real high value market because we are talking 15-25-mile journeys but with a big time saving and therefore the dollar-per-mile you can charge is quite flexible.”

This is where American and Avolon come in. American is the largest airline in the world with a huge operations network globally. As a strategic partner, it is exploring with Vertical areas such as pilot training, US route options and infrastructure provision. Avolon, meanwhile, as the second largest leasing company in the world was swift to recognize the opportunities afforded by eVTOL and saw in Vertical the right fit in terms of potential partner. “Apart from the big order,” Cervenka says, “they give us access to nearly 150 airlines at C-suite level, they have a massive presence across the aerospace ecosystem so everything from Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers down to the ATM community. They bring that whole capability as well as having a very well-connected upfront sales force so I think there is an exciting space around what the future business model could be.”

X4 has an obvious appeal for airlines wanting to develop an airport-city centre journey proposition leveraging their brand and customer base expertise as Cervenka points out: “There is a compelling upsell opportunity so if you’re flying into JFK or Heathrow you can suddenly drive a much better journey proposition if you can connect that through an eVTOL. Inevitably, it’s going to start as a first-class market which will then work down.”

Virgin Atlantic‘s ambition to develop an ultra-short haul eVTOL airline looks to have merit as Europe offers significant potential here due to the continent’s population density: 230 cities within 100 miles of a population of 300,000 people — that compares with only 60 cities in the US — with many of those cities currently poorly connected. “Here,” Cervenka says, “we’ll do it very much as a partnership to create a ridesharing business — we provide the aircraft into that business although we will not own the aircraft. This is really compelling because of the cost of ground infrastructure as opposed to setting up ground to ground services with the flexibility that you will obviously need.”

Next Stop — Wall Street

Next steps for Vertical Aerospace will be to list on the New York Stock Exchange in the second half of this year. This intention was announced in June when the business entered into a definitive merger agreement with Broadstone Acquisition Corporation to enable Vertical to become a publicly traded company, with a pro forma $2.2 billion equity. At the same time, Vertical announced investments from American Airlines, Avolon, Honeywell and Rolls-Royce, through a private investment in public equity (PIPE), confirming their status as Vertical’s strategic partners with Microsoft’s M12, 40 North and Rocket Internet SE also investing in the business.

Following that will be a decision on the location of the initial final assembly plant which will be in the United Kingdom where the business can access a skilled workforce and discussions are ongoing with the nation’s authorities over tapping potential support and securing the necessary planning approvals. Cervenka says he sees future opportunities in Asia and the Middle East in the latter part of this decade to site a follow-on assembly facility. The US is another potential assembly location although with only 20 per cent of the forecast market, he believes the centre of gravity will be in Europe and Asia.

In terms of the impact of the global pandemic, Cervenka says Vertical is in the fortunate position of being pre-revenue although the business may well draw advantage in terms of the spare industrial capacity into which it can tap so it does not have to build that capacity itself. “Also, he points out, “the emerging focus on sustainability means that the reality is that there will not be another widebody produced this decade. The X4 has some very advanced technology that any developer of the next generation narrow and wide body aircraft is going to need in order to improve sustainability and efficiency. We can offer a technology route to that market by proving out those technologies on the X4 that will be strategically relevant to their core business.”

In June, Vertical admitted that it had deliberately developed a manned eVTOL in order to achieve the fastest route to certification and Cervenka here explains that that decision was equally down to the issue of public acceptance. While there remains no regulatory framework to allow an autonomous vehicle of the size and weight of the X4, the Vertical president believes that it will be a long time before regulators and the public are accepting of that.

“There is a journey to autonomy however,” he says, “with a starting point where there is a pilot on board but whose workload is dramatically reduced. Honeywell’s flight controls and avionics will massively simplify the job of flying the X4 and all the other activities a pilot has to do in a Part 135 world, reducing that workload by 80 per cent — and that’s a really good starting point for autonomy.”

“My view is that we’ll get to the point where more and more will be automated and the pilot will be there only for the emergency or the unexpected situation. Over the next decade, we will increasingly see vehicles fly with autonomous capabilities but with a pilot and that will be necessary to prove to the regulators and the public that we can build up a whole history of experience where the autonomous systems made the right decisions. Over time, I think we’ll get to the point of remotely operated vehicles where the intervention is carried out outside the vehicle — cargo over uninhabited areas first then gradually passenger-carrying operations and then over built-up areas before full autonomy. I do believe it will come — not his decade though — and most probably using different types of aircraft. And the X4 will be the perfect proving ground for that.”



The temporary collapse in air traffic as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic offers Europe a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accelerate air traffic management (ATM) modernisation. Before traffic returns, however, policymakers need to ensure that Europe’s skies are fit for the digital age. Aerospace Tech Review talked to industry body CANSO to find out what is on the horizon as well as what is emerging in the longer term as the United Kingdom and European Union look to improve safety with the development of new mandates and regulation.

Ensuring that complementary technologies critical to the digital transformation of the air traffic management industry will meet the needs of the industry has been one of the chief concerns for the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), the voice of the air traffic management (ATM) industry. Comprising air navigation service providers and suppliers from around the globe, the association’s mission is to transform ATM performance. CANSO ensures the industry is fit for the future by identifying trends and new technologies, sharing best practice, providing guidance and training, and influencing policymakers across the world. This is particularly important during the present time, as the industry works together to navigate a new normal, and a new era for aviation.

Andrea Gartemann is a senior expert in EU regulations working at German air navigation service provider DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH and as co-chair of CANSO’s EASA Task Force is involved in many of CANSO‘s activities at the European Commission level. Here she shares her perspective on how the industry is tackling restart and recovery and building resilience – focusing not only on ‘the now’ but ultimately the ‘what next’.

“In safely navigating the industry’s COVID-19-recovery,” Gartemann says, “a look at the horizon will depict the most critical challenges and opportunities ATM is facing.”

Andrea Gartemann, Senior Expert EU Regulations, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung

Andrea Gartemann, Senior Expert EU Regulations, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung

Safely Navigating the Industry COVID-19 Recovery

As the industry continues to work on assessing how best to manage the COVID-19 recovery, CANSO has reaffirmed its commitment to working towards and achieving the “Digital European Sky,” insisting that this vision is still valid, and that progress and plans made so far remain important for the digital transformation of the industry.

CANSO believes the Single European Sky (SES) and its research and development initiative Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR), must be kept sufficiently stable. However, as Gartemann points out, at the same time the European modernisation effort must provide enough flexibility to accommodate the current exceptional situations. Within the framework of digitalisation, a re-assessment of the priorities seems unavoidable therefore and in general terms as a guiding principle, that means a shift from quantity to quality of output. CANSO believes that priority should therefore be given to measures that allow stakeholders to emerge from the crisis (e.g. mature SESAR solutions targeting flight efficiency, rationalisation of infrastructure, etc) while other activities to create capacity in the very short term are no longer as important as originally planned, and could even be deferred. This would allow for other activities that could generate economic support for the industry to be prioritised.

The Common Project (CP1)

Only recently, in February 2021, the European Commission updated the former ‘Pilot Common Project’ and pushed the industry for a ‘Common Project 1’ (CP1). CANSO supports the main goal of this regulation with its general principle of generating greater and earlier benefits for the European air traffic management network through synchronised deployment. Hampering the ambitious and strictly scheduled nature of the individual projects, however, is the pandemic. Acknowledging the uncertainty surrounding how the COVID-19 pandemic will develop, CANSO underlines the importance of adopting a flexible and progressive approach proportionate to the improvement of the public health crisis. “We should remain vigilant of the risk of further outbreaks and plan accordingly,” says Gartemann who adds that a major element for future preparedness will involve analyzing insights and experience gained from this crisis.

The ATM functionalities that make up the Common Project are heir to decisions taken within SESAR years ago to tackle capacity issues that have today lost relevance due to the pandemic. This has combined with a high level of uncertainty surrounding the impact of COVID-19 in industry stakeholders’ plans. An updated cost benefit analysis of the Common Project issued in February 2020 by the SESAR Deployment Manager demonstrates the uncertainty through flagging a 50% drop in revenues by 2030. According to a EUROCONTROL five-year forecast in the most likely scenario, a recovery to 2019 traffic levels is not forecast before 2026. “This means that stakeholders will have to make the investment effort for the deployment of CP1 exactly in the period of traffic recovery and it is currently too optimistic to consider that all stakeholders will be able to cope with these strong counter-cyclical investments,” says Gartemann.

Air-ground datalink communications is an area of special interest to CANSO. Schipol Tower shown above.

Air-ground datalink communications is an area of special interest to CANSO. Schipol Tower shown above.

The challenge of data link communications

CANSO sees the mandate for air-ground datalink communications supporting the downlink of data to enable earlier and more accurate flight profile prediction as a subject of special interest.

The CPDLC — controller pilot data link communication — application provides air-ground data communication for the ATC service to exchange clearance/information/request messages which correspond to voice phraseology employed by ATC procedures. Expected benefits range from reducing radio transmission loading on ATC frequencies, reduction in air traffic controller workload, increased sector capacities, reduced probability of miscommunication and more reliable handover of sectors/frequencies information. Global implementation is currently at different stages of implementation however.

Here, Gartemann explains that despite the European datalink mandate, which was first introduced in 2013 through Regulation (EC) 1207/2011, equipage rates both on ground and in the air have not developed as expected and technical issues have reduced the availability of datalink for ATC use. Collaborative technical investigations involving the whole community of stakeholders from ANSPs to avionics manufacturers and airlines have been commissioned in order to improve the issues. “The equipage mandate had been postponed to the year 2020, too,” she says. “This, in the end, has all led to a coordinated approach.”

Indeed, all the stakeholders together with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the SESAR Deployment Manager and the Network Manager continue to meet, update, discuss, exchange and contribute to gain progressively the expected benefits of CPDLC in order to pave the way to enable new concepts of operation with datalink services (DLS) an important enabler for Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) concept in particular.

One of the technical challenges has been the longevity of the key ground infrastructure used to support datalink, VDL M2. This infrastructure supports other non-ATC data link services namely Airline Operational Control (AOC) as well as Air Traffic Services (ATS). Both ATC and AOC data traffic levels are steadily rising through increased use and increased digitalisation of aircraft and therefore it is not a question of if, but when, VDL2 will become congested when air traffic volume picks up pace again. And, as important side note, Gartemann points out, more radio spectrum for additional VDL M2 channels would not be available without e.g. 8.33 kHz air ground investments in offset carrier operation; while of greater relevance is the fact that the VDL M2 channel access scheme does not allow for time critical tactical ATC messages. This congestion will not only limit the achievable DLS performance and consequently reduce the efficiency and effectiveness in the operational ATM network but will limit the expand for use for ATC as well. A report on DLS architecture and deployment strategy drafted by the SDM and submitted to the European Commission calls for “the need to support the implementation of the complementary communication technologies as soon as possible, offloading the VDL M2 channels.”

The temporary collapse in air traffic as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has offered the EU a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accelerate air traffic management (ATM) modernization. Before traffic returns, however, policymakers need to ensure that Europe’s skies are fit for the digital age and address the capacity constraints that have led to congestion, flight path inefficiencies and unnecessary fuel burn over the last decades. Some complementary technologies have already been identified in all European Framework funding programs to avoid future congestion and which complement VDL2.

It will be imperative for policymakers to address the capacity constraints that have led to congestion, flight path inefficiencies and unnecessary fuel burn before traffic returns to pre-pandemic levels. Edinborough Tower shown above.

It will be imperative for policymakers to address the capacity constraints that have led to congestion, flight path inefficiencies and unnecessary fuel burn before traffic returns to pre-pandemic levels. Edinborough Tower shown above.

LDACS (L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System) is the future terrestrial data link for aviation currently undergoing ICAO standardization. LDACS technology is based on modern, well-proven state-of-the-art technology as applied for LTE/4G mobile radio. It is a secure, scalable and spectrum-efficient high-rate data link designed to cover both ATS and AOC services. It is a cellular communications system and, thus, avoids co-channel interference problems as experienced in current VHF communications. It will provide support for ATN/B1 and ATS/B2, and is further expected to cover ATS/B3 as well as additional future services. These capabilities will underpin advanced ATC concepts for the future, e.g. ‘sectorless flying’ including full 4D TBO and flight-centric air traffic management. Trials have proven LDACS as capable for navigation support functions and voice communication, too.

Complementary technologies, like SATCOM, also support the current air ground datalink infrastructure, providing the necessary total capacity. They also meet the required performance for ATN/B1 and ATS/B2, providing the opportunity to extend the horizon of CPDLC and ADS-C operations, extending its service coverage to enable the effective exchange of data with aircraft.

CANSO supports the view that both technologies, LDACS and satellite systems, have their specific benefits and technical capabilities which complement each other. Satellite systems are especially well-suited for large coverage areas with less dense air traffic, e.g. oceanic and remote regions. LDACS is well-suited for dense air traffic areas, e.g. continental areas or hot spots around airports and terminal airspace. It is expected that LDACS together with upgraded satellite-based communications systems will be deployed within the future communication infrastructure and constitute the main components of the multilink concept within that infrastructure.

Contributing Factors: Incentives and Coherent Deployment

Regulatory and financial incentives are necessary to secure and accelerate not only the deployment of satellite-based data link services before air traffic volume returns to pre-COVID levels. It is urgent to define a coherent deployment plan for sustainable datalink services in the mid- to long-term. The Common Project regulation (CP1) establishes the mandated services to modernize ATM. “We should anticipate those deployments that support the goals of the Single European Sky, in terms of efficiency, capacity, etc,” says Gartemann, who adds that clear guidelines must be put in place and specific funding to support the implementation.

CANSO says the current CP1 proposal does not include a plan for the coordinated air and ground deployment of data link services and that furthermore, the deployment plan urgently needs to address the concept of multilink for the combined operation of SATCOM and/or LDACS with VDL, both on the ground and through the configuration settings on the aircraft. Today, this is a fundamental gap which presents a significant obstacle to the introduction of complementary technologies and yet it is not ‘owned’ by any organisation through to an agreed conclusion.

Iris SATCOM is ready to be deployed and has secured widespread support although CANSO believes a subsidy supporting Iris services should be put in place by the European Commission for both air and ground adopters, otherwise ANSPs may be forced to reject Iris services for the foreseeable future. Consideration should be given to the fact that a new CNS technology will also need to be provided on a pan-European basis by an SES-certified service provider. This will be the case for Iris and while this may be seen as costly it will be an important venture to underpin the effectiveness, safety and compliance of service provision. CANSO here says it is strongly preferred that the European Commission deals with this largely technology-centered problem in careful consideration of the context, including sustainable use of spectrum, the cost of implementation and any regulatory and financial incentives as appropriate.

The establishment of a common European Datalink Service Provider (DSP) will further harmonize datalink provision and governance for Europe. DLS users are now successfully collaborating towards the establishment of such a common provider entity initially through an initiative known as CoDE[A1] project (Common DLS governance for Europe). CANSO says it supports this effort, as the presence of the DSP is the necessary prerequisite to ensure that required service performance will be systematically met while at the same time allowing for the effective coexistence of multiple commercial actors in DLS provision; this will achieve cost efficiencies for the ANSP community in modernizing datalink.

Equipping a segment of the European aircraft fleet is a long and costly process. In addition, the operating cost of a satellite-based service requires consideration. In the absence of a regulatory driver and associated incentives, CANSO says it is unlikely that airlines and ANSPs will be motivated to start investing in the technology. The consequence would be that a critical mass of aircraft equipped with this alternative technology will not exist at the point when the VDL2 may collapse.

COVID-19 has put an immense financial strain on the aviation sector. Member states have designed rescue packages to provide relief while the EU has agreed on a comprehensive recovery facility to accelerate the green and digital transformation of the economy. CANSO says it is the decrease of traffic that is bringing temporary relief to the ATM network but that it also provides an opportunity to accelerate the ATM modernization within an EU regulatory framework that will strengthen the long-term resilience of ATM.

The pandemic-induced decrease of traffic is bringing temporary relief to the ATM network, but it is also providing an opportunity to accelerate ATM modernization. Adnan Menderes Airport in Izmir, Turkey shown above.

The pandemic-induced decrease of traffic is bringing temporary relief to the ATM network, but it is also providing an opportunity to accelerate ATM modernization. Adnan Menderes Airport in Izmir, Turkey shown above.

Future Data Link Communications

On future data link communications, CANSO stresses the need to:

* Encourage early adoption of a modern communication infrastructure taking the advantages of both satellite-based navigation, communication and surveillance equipment and processes as well as of LDACS as a sub-network of the Aeronautical Telecommunications Network

* Consider the successful establishment of a user-governed Datalink Service Provider as a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of new and alternative communication technologies

* Establish increased cooperation and full alignment between the aviation sector and policy makers and regulators. EU and national funding frameworks should be adapted to accelerate the implementation of co-financing measures for fleet renewal (EU Green Incentive Scheme)

* Increase the public co-funding rates for Civil Aviation Research & Innovation (Clean Aviation and SESAR with 100% public funding for the deployment of SESAR technologies with proven sustainability and environmental benefits to finally accelerate the digital transformation of the industry.

Surveillance Service Booster ADS-B

Gartemann explains that while the introduction of complementary communications technology will contribute to alleviate spectrum congestion, a complementary surveillance technology can both support the rationalisation of infrastructure as well as overcome congestion of the 1030/1090 MHz channel, reserved for the interrogation and transmission of aircraft related position data. In parallel to infrastructure considerations, new performance targets and associated operational requirements are emerging from Single European Sky and SESAR initiatives. These factors will drive changes to the existing surveillance system. This evolution needs to be managed, for it will also be influenced by an extensive range of other factors such as global interoperability, civil-military coordination, cross-border operations, and the growing fleet of unmanned aircraft systems. Furthermore, cost and radio frequency spectrum efficiency considerations will lead to a rationalization of the current infrastructure, in which legacy systems will be phased out as soon as practicable and new, more efficient technologies will be introduced. Surveillance systems are a key enabler of any future operational concept and they are expected to be leaner and more efficient in the future.

The goal is focused on achieving safety and service continuity objectives by combining a layer of ADS-B with a layer of secondary surveillance (provided by either SSR Mode S or WAM). Primary radar coverage will also be available, where required (e.g. for safety or security reasons), either by classic (mono static) PSR or possibly in the form of multi-static PSR (MSPSR). The combination of technologies should be individually chosen by the ANSPs regarding needs, cost efficiency and other relevant considerations. In addition to ground-based ATM surveillance, ADS-B will also enable the development of new airborne surveillance operational services including air traffic situational awareness, spacing, separation and self-separation. An aircraft’s ADS-B transmissions can be relayed to the ground via satellite and this will provide improved surveillance in particular in oceanic and remote areas, and will potentially in the future provide an additional layer of ATM surveillance over European airspace.

“The regulatory mandate has been discussed a lot,” says Gartemann, “and the airborne equipage dates have been postponed; clearer exemption rules have been introduced as well as EASA publishing acceptable means of compliance and guidance material.” She points out though that although the mandate does not contain any obligation for ANSPs to implement ADS-B capable solutions, an agreed deployment plan was established by the SDM and is being maintained continuously. Meanwhile, ADS-B implementation projects on the ground progress and demonstrate confident and promising figures in contributing to a real rationalization target.

To rationalize the surveillance infrastructure and reduce the overall cost in the medium term before 2035 through the implementation of ADS-B, it will be necessary to change the current equipment mandate. Significant cost reduction may only be achieved if layers of radar infrastructure can be reduced and replaced by ADS-B. Therefore, it is recommended that all aircraft requiring IFR and/or controlled VFR services have to be equipped with ED-102A/Do-260B compliant transponders — not only aircraft with more than 5.7 tons MTOW/or faster than 250 kts.

As the airspace structure within Europe is quite different, the airspaces in which ADS-B equipment is required may therefore differ from nation to nation. In general though, it can be said that mandates for ADS-B equipment will support the rationalization of surveillance infrastructure, where the carriage of transponders is required today and will also provide the potential of an overall layer of ADS-B surveillance – satellite, ground and/or airborne – coverage.

CANSO believes that the Commission should consider a funding program for the equipment of small aircraft, which are required to be equipped with ADS-B and to ensure that adequate and affordable equipment is available. This would facilitate the voluntary equipage of small aircraft with ADS-B and contribute to enhanced aviation safety. An additional benefit would promote ADS-B IN applications, which may in particular benefit general aviation aircraft through the provision of traffic awareness and may compensate for the additional cost of ADS-B installations.

The Future with Regulatory Mandates

“Unfortunately,” says Gartemann, “we can demonstrate that the expected performance gain is seldom achieved through specific enforcements, especially when it comes to air-ground related EU Implementing Rules, namely data link, voice channel spacing ‘8.33 kHz’ and surveillance performance.”

Regulation in CANSO’s view shall, where necessary, enable the synchronised implementation of interoperable solutions. Regulation should be designed to create the right incentives, create options and allow ANSPs to decide which path to follow. “But,” says Gartemann, “at the core is our industry commitment to good EU industry standards. Coordinated implementation roadmaps along agreed operational concepts are essential. Together as an industry and with the SJU, EASCG, SDM, Eurocontrol NM and EASA, we should make best use of existing instruments.”